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Help with Contextual Inquiry assignment at less price

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Human Computer Interaction
You can access the reading material in the other attached document. You should do this assignment after reading the attached pdf document. OBJECTIVE
For your second assignment, you will gain practice in conducting a Contextual Inquiry (Beyer & Holtzblatt, 1998). This assignment is intended to be a short Contextual Inquiry (CI) that should give you a warm-up before doing more in-depth inquiries as part of your design project. You will gain practice planning a CI, observing users, adopting the master/apprentice role (you’re the apprentice), asking questions, and creating some of the work models from Beyer & Holtzblatt (1998) Chapter 6 (Flow, Sequence, Artifact, Cultur ...Read More

Solution Preview - z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc401684993" Introduction PAGEREF _Toc401684993 \h 3 Data Obtained Using Contextual Inquiry PAGEREF _Toc401684994 \h 3Flow Work and Model Description PAGEREF _Toc401684995 \h 7Sequence Model for the basic development and client interaction PAGEREF _Toc401684996 \h 8Remediation using Better Requirement gathering Process and wo

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