MySQL is considered the most famous Relational Database Management System. It has following benefits and limitations:
•    MySQL is very easy to implement and use. 
•    It is an easy technology of database to work with.
•    It provides an open source platform where is a large and thriving community of enthusiasts and developers to which an individual can utilize for help (James, 2012).
•    It is considered less costly than other technologies.
•    As per Digital Ocean, it is considered less reliable than its peers.
•    It highly suffers from the poor scaling of performance.

Microsoft Access

It is considered as a database system developed especially for small-to-medium sized business and for individuals. 
•    Microsoft access is considered very easy to use and implement because it provides a fully relational or functional database management system in minutes (Gaskin, 2013).
•    It is easy to integrate because it access works in an efficient manner with the help of developing window based software programs.
•    It is considered finite in nature because any business sector goes beyond 2GB will face different problems.
•    It is considered difficult to publish files a part from different available files of static.


The one most important benefit of the oracle database is that it can easily run on different big platforms such as networking protocols and windows. It supports all standards of a particular industry to give necessary support to different developers. Furthermore, it also supports online backup and recovery (Barr, 2015). 
It also has some limitations. One most important limitation is that it is very complex in nature. It requires high technical skills from users. In the absence of technical skills, one cannot use it in an appropriate manner.

Microsoft SQL Server

It is an important tool for database which is selected by everyone for performing their day to day operations.
•    It is a very beneficial tool because it utilizes the enterprise-grade management software to perform tasks (Freedman, 2014).
•    Excellent support of server in data recovery function.
•    One important limitation of using server is that it is highly costly because it utilizes the licensing options for pretty pricing of their services.
•    Microsoft SQL server has limited compatibility because it is specially designed to run window-based servers.

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James, D. A., & DebRoy, S. (2012). RMySQL: R interface to the MySQL database. R package version 0.9-3.
Gaskin, S., McLellan, C., & Graviett, N. (2013). GO! with Microsoft Access 2013 Introductory. Prentice Hall Press.
Barr, E. T., Harman, M., McMinn, P., Shahbaz, M., & Yoo, S. (2015). The oracle problem in software testing: A survey. IEEE transactions on software engineering, 41(5), 507-525.
Freedman, C., Ismert, E., & Larson, P. Å. (2014). Compilation in the Microsoft SQL Server Hekaton Engine. IEEE Data Eng. Bull., 37(1), 22-30.

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