A Sense of Security and Reduction Sociology


Introduction of sociology.



Behaviour of society and individual is linked together (Berger and Luckman, 1991). The realities that are developed by one reflect when in collection. This paper tries to understand the concept of the social construction of reality and how it is an important part of human behavior. 
Moreover, the paper tries to decode the statement of W. I. Thomas, “If men define a situation as real, it is real in its consequences”. 
Psychology is the subject that helps us understand the behaviour of human beings and the consequences each act and behaviour of individuals have on the society as a whole and vice-versa. Individual is defined as the types of act that individual involves in and the impact (s)he has on the surrounding (Adoni and Mane, 1984). 
Society is developed through social learning and this social learning impacts the perception of individual residing in it. The collective perception can be stated to form the structure of society. It can be considered as a cycle that impacts each other continuously and works as an actor in either constructive or destructive development.
Before moving ahead with the study of the stated concept earlier, it is imperative to understand the difference between the individual and social behaviour.
Individual behaviour is stated as the behaviour that can be measured at a certain point in time and place. Identification can result into myriad behavioural pattern, and the individual displaying one of them is associated with that particular behaviour.
Social behaviour can be stated as the sum of the multiple behavioural pattern those are arranged in a pattern defined as culture or tradition which can be studied in multiple context.

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Social Construction of Reality

Social Construction of Reality states that when the individuals interact with each other, then they gradually impression and concepts of the behaviour of others and these behaviours gradually lead to the formation of habits that reciprocates in each one. If more individuals are brought into the same act, it leads to the establishment of institution. 
This step leads to the creation of a reality that gets embedded in the fabric of the society and stays in the individuals’ belief system till the institution stays in the existence (Beger and Thomas, 1991). Such reality gets blow when the establishments are attacked by certain new inventions or development. 
The formation of institution results after the acceptance of any act in the habit of individuals. The individuals observe and learn from each other and subsequently agree on the way anything needed to be done (Dieth, 2012). Such agreement leads to the formation of the institution if more and more are included in the same.
Such formation provides a sense of security and reduction in the uncertainty. Moreover, it helps the individuals to drift the short attention span to something else while developing the previous agreed habit into routine. The formation of institution ensures that the things are going according to the routine. 
This term refers to the way the individuals represent themselves in front of other people. The way an individual has been raised and the things that individual believes in impacts the way individual tries to present in front of others.
In nutshell it can be said that the way individuals perceive the reality is boldly impacted by the beliefs and backgrounds. 

Importance in Human Social Behaviour

Social behaviour is an integral part of the human existence and anyone who wants to understand the construct of the society and its belief system, has to understand the way our beliefs and backgrounds impacts our reality. This is where study of social construction of reality comes into play.
Moreover, it shapes the way people behave in public or private. It is of extreme importance that to understand the human social behaviour, one studies social construction of reality. 
We will try to understand the concept of reality through two perspectives. One will be rich one and another poor one!
A rich man who sees his physiological needs are being met successfully and has enough disposable income starts to consider things above than physiological needs into his premise of realty. 
Suggestion by his dog’s vet to feed the dog with costliest food and allow comfort seems normal to the rich man and he feels proud in doing that as he believes he is taking good care of his dog.
On other hand, a poor person who is unable to meet his ends successfully, might see that investment on the dog as waste of money and might fume over the rich man’s expense and think whether the rich man has any understanding about the reality of this world.
Here, it can be seen that both the person has their own sense of reality depending on the environment they had been bred and the way they are perceiving things based on their belief system.

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Decoding W. I. Thomas

Statement by W. I. Thomas “If men define a situation as real, it is real in its consequences”, is called as Thomas Theorem. 
The statement wants to state that the way individual behaves depends on the subjective interpretation of the reality and not on the objective consideration. The consequences that are followed after the same makes it real. 
For example, if a kid is labelled as bad and poor at study, might start to reflect the same gradually. The kid starts to realise the imposition in reality. 
Perception of reality by different person is different and the decision taken by the person about the reality of the situation and the way the person in front is going to be, the individual act accordingly. Consideration of situation as awesome or poor depends on the way the individual responds to it.
Another example to understand the social construction of reality would be best. Suppose a broadcaster sends a message over a TV channel. Then it might be possible that different viewers will perceive the same message in multiple ways. 
Let us take a destructive example here, if the failure of American police department to stop a terrorist attack is displayed on the CNN News channel. Then the same message will be taken differently in different parts of the world. ISIS will take it as one more blow to the US administration and they might rejoice the same. The people of US will feel shiver due to the fear of likely incidents in the future and a person sitting in Bangkok might not pay heed to the news because he has something more important to do.    


It can be stated that understanding the social construction of reality is important to understand get the clear picture of Human Social behaviour. The behaviour of human beings depends on the way they perceive the surrounding. Such perception depends on the belief system that resides within them. 


  • Berger, P. L., & Luckmann, T. (1991). The social construction of reality: A treatise in the sociology of knowledge (No. 10). Penguin UK.

  • Adoni, H., & Mane, S. (1984). Media and the social construction of reality toward an integration of theory and research. Communication research, 11(3), 323-340.

  • Beger, P. L., & Thomas, L. (1991). The social construction of reality: A treatise in the sociology of knowledge.

  • Dieth, E. (2012). Social construction of “reality”. Integration by Cooperation, 7-26.

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