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Do My Phoenix Eco 561 Coursework Week Four Knowledge Check

Question - 1.Business cycles occur when output 
A.falls below its potential 
B.rises above its potential 
C.is fixed at its potential 
D.fluctuates around its growth trend 
2.Which of these statements best describes a complete individual business cycle? 
A.Movement from peak to trough to peak 
B.Movement from recession to expansion 
C.Movement from peak to recession to trough 
D.Movement from trough to expansion then to peak 
3.During the business cycle, the period between the point at which output reaches a high ...Read More

Solution Preview - onceptsMasteryQuestions Stages in the Business Cycle100yb 123 Level of Economic Growth100yb 4 Level of Unemployment100yb 5678 Inflation100yb 910 Concept: Stages in the Business Cycle Mastery100ybQuestions123 1. Business cycles occur when output Correct: The Correct Answer is: D. The business cycle includes the tendency for output to rise and fall

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