Emotional intelligence in information technology leaders

Write a 2000 word literature review on the topic-
"Emotional intelligence (EI) in information technology leaders and its Impact on performance".



In this paper, we have prepared a literature review on the topic "Emotional Intelligence in Information Technology leaders and its impact on performance." This has been done by using the different secondary data sources. In order to collect the relevant data, the information has been collected through previous research findings and different online sources. The use of secondary research sources supports the research question through the integration of a lot of information and knowledge. This paper will provide quite beneficial for the target audience because it will enhance their knowledge regarding emotional intelligence among IT leaders and its influence on their performance.

Literature Review

Emotional Quotient, Intelligence, and Literacy

Bhalerao (2016) has been defined the emotional quotient as an IQ or the individual’s skill level at understanding, reading, and empathizing with the emotions of others. On the other hand, Levitats (2017) defined the emotional intelligence as an ability to manage and identify self-emotions and emotions of others. It is the combination of three skills. These include; emotional awareness, the ability to manage emotions, and the efficiency to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like problem-solving and thinking. Apart from this, Hendon (2017) defined the emotional literacy as an ability to express and understand feelings. It is the combination of self-awareness and recognition of one’s own feelings and knowing how to manage them. Therefore, it can be said that the emotional quotient, intelligence, and literacy are associated with each other in some context. But, all of them contributed significant efforts towards performance improvement of a leader. 

EI and Performance in General 

Link between Emotional Intelligence and workplace performance
Aritzeta (2016) has been stated that there is a strong relationship between the emotional intelligence and workplace performance. He has defined in his study that different areas represent that top performers and leader can isolate from normal ones by taking cognizance of their emotional intelligence. Apart from this, Joseph (2015) declared that the leaders who are emotionally intelligent take after their trust and qualities in consistent learning and concentrate on imparting the vision. Therefore, the high focus on learning and vision statement automatically improves their workplace performance and lead their behavior. On this other hand, it is also believed that the individuals with fixed mindset show less resilience when they face any problem and hurdle in their future. So, the presence of emotional intelligence makes an individual compatible to his or her work so that he or she can achieve the ultimate objectives effectively. Moreover, McCleskey (2016) described that there is a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and workplace performance.
The growth in emotional intelligence will further become the reason of sound workplace performance. Moreover, it can also say that the emotional intelligence creates innovational inventiveness among people and prove helpful in bringing change. Therefore, it is right to say that the emotional intelligence is highly attached and linked with the workplace performance. Apart from this, Masa’deh (2016) has conducted a study of call center environment and said that emotional intelligence is closely related to the self-management and job performance. It is because emotionally intelligent people can make sound decisions that further improve their working performance. Furthermore, it is also declared that the emotional intelligence promotes self-regulation, awareness, motivation, and social skills which further enhance the capability of individuals to deal with a wide range of situations simultaneously (Masrek, 2014). So, it can be said that emotional intelligence and job performance is correlated with each other in a significant manner.

Impact of Emotional Intelligent Leaders on Team Performance

Ouyang (2015) has been defined that the emotionally intelligent leader comes with improvement among performances of team members. It is because the emotional intelligence of leaders is highly associated with the team learning through team psychological safety. Therefore, the leader with high-level emotional intelligence spread awareness among team members about reflection and emotions of each. With the help of this, each team member will be able to understand the behavior of members and prove successful in maintenance of cooperation. Apart from this, the emotionally intelligent leader always gives priority to motivation and encouragement. With the help of both of these tools, they motivate each member to share their learning anxieties and responsibilities with each other. This further becomes the reason for improvement among knowledge of team members. Moreover, Masa’deh (2016) has been explained that the high emotional intelligence helps leaders to motivate their team members to transcend requirements of self-protection and engage in discussions and other curriculum activities to demonstrate their participation.
In addition, it is also believed that the emotionally intelligent leaders are able to create a sound learning environment where team members can effectively share there positive and negative emotions that they might feel toward each other in different situations. Therefore, it can be said that the emotionally intelligent leaders always comes with improved team performance.

Advantages and Challenges 

Mshellia (2016) said that the emotionally intelligent leaders come with a lot of advantages that will prove fruitful for both the organization as well as the team members. The first and foremost advantage of emotionally intelligent leaders is the promotion of team learning. The emotionally intelligent leaders understand the importance of team learning and give significant value to this factor. Therefore, the emotionally intelligent leaders came with team learning practices that further strengthen the theoretical and practical base of team members (Masrek, 2015). On the other hand, the second and foremost advantage is that emotionally intelligent leaders develop sound and effective decision that completely fit within the internal and external factors of the organization. Therefore, it can be said that the emotionally intelligent leaders always propound sound initiatives that will prove beneficial for the organizational growth as well as team development.

Apart from the advantages, the emotional intelligence leaders also came across through a lot of challenges that hampers their behavior and working actions towards the organization. Vratskikh (2016) said that the challenges faced by emotionally intelligent leaders improve their level of the decision as well as initiatives also. It is because the challenges give learning with emotionally intelligent leaders that will put into consideration in the near future. The first and foremost challenge faced by emotionally intelligence leaders is that they feel difficulty in creation of a shared environment. It is because most of the team members do not want the shared environment to keep their behavior and emotion personal to each other. On the other hand, another challenge is difficulty in the promotion of team creativity. It is because of less participation of team members within organizational activities. So, it can be said that the emotionally intelligent leaders will work a lot of benefits after crossing all hurdles and difficulties in their way.

EI and IT

Emotional Intelligence in Information Technology Leaders

Sánchez-Álvarez (2016) defined that the presence of emotional intelligence skills is necessary for the information technology leaders. It is because the Information Technology sector has become a sector with a combination of different businesses and professionals. This growth further gives birth to the requirements of communication and collaboration with people. Therefore, the presence of emotional intelligence enhances the capability of information technology leader to perform communication between team members at the required level. Apart from this, it can be said that IT leaders need to take a lot of decisions regarding the use of particular technology or not. Therefore, the presence of emotional intelligence will enhance their capability to conduct subsequent research and generate a best and perfect solution for the identified problem. Moreover, Rezvani (2016) has been declared that the retaining and hiring talent has become the foremost priority of each information technology leader. Therefore, the use of Emotional intelligence facilitates IT leaders in the development of a healthy culture where people can work effectively or share they're personal as well as professional experiences with each other. So, it is right to say that the presence of emotional intelligence skills among IT leaders serve as a core competence for their personal as well as professional development.

Emotional Intelligence in Information Technology Professionals

Preston (2015) explained that the emotional intelligence skills among IT professionals bring a lot of growth opportunities for their future development. Generally, it can be said that the IT professionals are responsible for managing different actions and plan their implementation processes for successful improvement of business functions. The presence of emotional intelligence in information technology professionals develops a problem-solving mindset that further facilitates the solution of each and every task.
Mshellia (2016) said that the presence of emotional intelligence skills among IT professionals give birth to planning orientation, ability to seek to mean in life, and promote logical thinking. All these supportive skills of an emotionally intelligent IT professional help him or her in solving each and every problem or plan their success accordingly. Apart from this, Rezvani (2016) said that the information technology professionals do not have empathy skills to gain competitive advantage within their businesses. Therefore, it is the emotional intelligence that promotes IT professional's ability to understand and feel emotions and mood of others and take action as per the requirements. Therefore, it is right to say that the emotional intelligence in information technology professionals enhances their competencies to perform their roles and responsibilities with diligently and produce fruitful outcomes for the overall success of the belonging organization (Masrek, 2014). 
Joseph (2015) has been told that the emotional intelligence skills in Information technology leaders and professionals enhance their competencies and efficiencies to perform significant tasks. There is a positive link between the emotional intelligence of Information technology leaders and professionals or their significant performance within the concerned organization. It is because the emotional intelligence improves the performance of Information technology leaders and professionals by having both affective and cognitive character. The cognitive character is made up of beliefs and judgments about their roles and responsibilities within the organization. On the other hand, the effective character is the development of emotions and feelings associated with working scenario and profile.
Therefore, the promotion of both characters is done by emotional intelligence skills among information technology leaders and professionals. Bhalerao (2016) said that the emotional intelligence in information technology helps the IT professionals and leaders in the measurement of their personal characteristics. With the help of this measurement, they can come with relevant outcomes that support their performance at an individual as well as a team level. Apart from this, Levitats (2017) said that the emotional intelligence skills among information technology leaders teach them how they can perform work-life balance. With the help of this learning, they can improve their ultimate performance as well as roles and responsibilities among the team members. 

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After studying all this, it can be concluded that emotional intelligence plays an important role in the life of information technology leaders and professionals. It is because the emotional intelligence develops their ultimate skills which will further help them in reducing the performance gaps between their associated teams. Apart from this, it can also say that the emotional intelligence has a great influence on the performance level of IT leaders and professionals. The main reason for the improvement is knowledge shared by the wide use of emotional intelligence skills by IT professionals and leaders. So, it is right to say that emotional intelligence is highly associated with the workplace performance.


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Bhalerao, H., & Kumar, S. (2016). Role of emotional intelligence in leaders on the commitment level of employees: A study in information technology and manufacturing sector in India. Business Perspectives and Research, 4(1), 41-53.
Hendon, M., Powell, L., & Wimmer, H. (2017). Emotional intelligence and communication levels in information technology professionals. Computers in Human Behavior, 71, 165-171.
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Levitats, Z., & Vigoda?Gadot, E. (2017). Yours emotionally: How emotional intelligence infuses public service motivation and affects the job outcomes of public personnel. Public Administration, 95(3), 759-775.
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