Quantitative and Qualitative Research Analysis Approach


Locate two research studies: one in which the business problem is researched using a qualitative design and the other using a quantitative design. These should be in an industry you are currently working in or are interested in working.

Develop an analysis of the research and include the following:
Summarize each of the research studies briefly.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each design approach.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each sampling approach.
Identify the specific situations in which you might choose each of the data collection instruments.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of statistical analysis use to describe the data.
Discuss whether the identified sampling method and data collection approach are appropriate for your own business, industry, or functional area.



Israel Rural Tourism wrote by Pizam and Fleischer in 1997. Rural tourism becomes an important and leading factor in the economy of rural western countries. Country vacation which is related with the recreation and rural tourism is considered as an important aspect of the western countries. As per the view of Small business Administrations or Alberta tourism, country vacation is known ass a holiday or a vacation in which a holiday occupies a big portion of his time engaged in creative activities on a farm, its environs or country home or ranch. (Fleischer, 1997). For a country vacation it is also known as a country vacation host who mainly delivering his services related to his property or home to paying guests so that they enjoy various creative activities in rural environment also. Report concludes that the rural tourism is considered as a developing activity in Israel, and also the settlements of rural area which were centered on revolved of agriculture towards tourism when agriculture activity declined. 
The Research on eTourism wrote by Dimitrios Buhalis in 2008. Tourism sector is continuously progressing year by day with the change of technology. Information technology plays an important role in transforming the tourism globally. Developments of the information communication technologies make an alteration in both the business practices and strategies of an organization. Tourism is considered as a global industry and biggest job provider in compariosnn to another countries (Buhalis, 2008). The main reason behind the success of the tourism is the growth of ICTs which makes the tourism function very attractive. The synergistic and fast-tracking interaction between tourism and technology in current times have developed various changes in perception of the nature and working of the industry. Thus, through studying this report it can be said that the technological revolution qualified through the growth of the internet which has changed all current market situations of tourism in a significant manner.

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Strength and Weakness of Qualitative & Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research


  • Conducting Qualitative research by the author provided individual case information.

  • Conducted cross-case comparisons and analysis easily.

  • Provided detail about the personality, human behavior, and emotion.

  • It provided data which is based on the own participant category (Fleischer,1997)

  • Easily could generate a tentative and explanatory theory.  


  • The research conducted by the author couldn’t easily transfer in quantitative nature.

  • It arose difficulty for the author to test hypotheses.

  • Analysis of data considered time-consuming process here.

  • Knowledge produced might not generalize the other people. 

  • Data collection consumed lot of time of author.

Quantitative Research


  • Finding study is generalized to the population about which information was required

  • Provided clear documentation of data which is helpful for the other authors to analyze it

  • Provided simple, precise, and numerical data

  • Easy to test the response by using statistical tools    


  • Many kinds of information were difficult to obtain through structured data collection instruments

  • Self-reported information might be inaccurate or incomplete

  • Studies were expensive and time-consuming

  • Reduction of data to numbers resulted in lost information

Strength and Weakness of Sampling Approach

In the first research paper, the author has adopted the survey method for collecting the data, on the other hand, another research paper the author used Interview and Literature Review method for knowing the opinion of different persons.

Strength and Weakness of Survey Method


  • Conducted survey helps the author in describing the characteristics of large number of peoples

  • Surveys were generally self-administered which makes large sample feasible


  • Surveys often appeared superficial in their coverage of complex topics.

  • Similarly, survey research could seldom deal with the context of social life.

  • In many ways, surveys were inflexible.

Strength and Weakness of Interview Method


  • Immediate Feedback from the interviewee

  • Personalized 

  • More clarity because the author could ask the question immediately in case of any ambiguity

  • Different types of information could be collect by the user because individuals were different as per their culture

  • Collection of In-depth information 

  • High response rates are attainable by the author  


  • Conducted interview was consider expensive and also consume large time of the author

  • Interviewees might not recall important information and may lack self-awareness.

  • Perceived anonymity by respondents might be low. 

  • Data analysis could be time-consuming for open-ended items.

  • Measures needed validation.

Situations for choosing data collection instruments

Situation for conducting qualitative research

Example: What are the different challenges that people who are born in Germany and have a migrant contextual face?
The above example is mainly based on the qualitative study, but it require some necessary clarification to understand it in a proper manner. In Germany, people are from different locality, like people from Russia, Turkey and from the most successful states of the Soviet Union. All people came for separate purposes like, work, breakdown of communism, war and having German ancestors (Maxwell,2012). Hence, it expected from all the people that they faces different cheallenges. The conducting interview is the best way to gather all data.

Situation for conducting quantitative research

Example: Describe the issues of the current growth in synthetic marijuana use among preteens in Northwest DC and the subsequent risks to their lifestyle and health.
This problem is generally resolved by conducting qualitative research because it needs various past calculation for resolving and answering the situation. Survey method helps in collecting all the numerical data in a significant manner.
Strength & Weakness of Statistical Data
In both reports, hypotheses and correlation statistical tool were applied by the author. Strength and Weakness of these statistical tools are following:

Strength & Weakness of Hypotheses Testing


  • Conducting hypotheses by the author helped in comparative analysis

  • Relatively simple to calculate  


  • Conducting hypotheses testing reduced the statistical power of variables

  • Inability to calculate confidence intervals

  • High confusion

Strength & Weakness of Correlation Testing


  • Correlation was much easier to do than more rigorous experimental research because the author did not have a control group and an independent variable to manipulate.

  • Solutions could be globally utilized

  • Building causal relationship

  • Investigation could be justified    


  • It did not determine relationship between cause and effect

  • Two variables could seem to be correlated but, when other variables are accounted for, the seeming correlation disappears.

  • Solution may be affected by the biases of author

  • Misinterpretation could be done by people in understanding relationship

Benefits of Sampling and data collection approach in our business

Benefits of interview method

A collection of data through interview helps us in knowing the direct response of the peoples through which if any mistake is found can be resolved immediately.  
Collection data through sampling enables us to collect sufficient information about the relevant facts. Like: if we are finding our target consumers for our products than data collection through interview gives us brief information about the taste and preferences of the customer (Merriam,2015). On the basis of this information, the product can be modified as per their taste and preference.
Collecting data by using interview helps us in identifying the emotions of the interviewee. 
The interview helps us in conducting efficient screening because the interviewee is not able to provide wrong information during screening questions like age, race or gender.

Benefits of Survey method

A conducting survey in our business enhances the goodwill of the organization in the market because through a survey it can collect data at low cost which ultimately lowering the cost of products of the organization.
The conducting survey helps us in collecting data rapidly, particularly with the integration of CATI.


After studying all this, it can be concluded that the way followed for data collection in both the reports have a significant role in the research report. It can be said that rural activities in Israel is growing speedily and are hoped to continue growing in the near future. The features of the market segment of the industry have been found to be in various aspects which are similar to the market segments of North America and Europe. Like the other citizens of the country, most of the Israeli operators also started their own business to enhance their income. From now it is probable to conclude that the product of the rural tourism is seemed less country specific and more specific to sectorial. This help all the readers to understand the research in a significant manner that has been done by researchers of tourism.

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  • Buhalis, D., & Law, R. (2008). Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet—The state of eTourism research. Tourism management, 29(4), 609-623.

  • Fleischer, A., & Pizam, A. (1997). Rural tourism in Israel. Tourism management, 18(6), 367-372.

  • Hoy, W. K., & Adams, C. M. (2015). Quantitative research in education: A primer. Sage Publications.

  • Mertens, D. M. (2014). Research and evaluation in education and psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Sage publications.

  • Merriam, S. B., & Tisdell, E. J. (2015). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation. John Wiley & Sons.

  • Maxwell, J. A. (2012). Qualitative research design: An interactive approach: An interactive approach. Sage.

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