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Use/fill in the Planning Template provided to demonstrate how you would plan a learning and teaching sequence (a learning experience) that includes the use of a graphic organisers (GO) constructed by the students – not by the teacher - and the cooperative learning structure - Corners- and a set of assessment tools.
Firstly, Select a Year Level and Stage and a ‘bite sized’ selection of any KLA content area you are most familiar with to teach the selected Year level group of students.
Second, select a set of two ‘learning outcomes/achievable goals* from a KLA content area that your Year or Stage level students need to achieve (related to the content area). Refer to either the National Curriculum documents or NSW State syllabus documents to guide your choice of up to three learning outcomes - provide both the curriculum number and its description that matches the content/learning you want your learners to achieve. One of the achievable goals must relate to students learning collaboratively - this goal/outcome will most likely not be stated in your Key Learning Area in which case you must compose such a goal in the content of the learning you intend to plan
Third, now complete the Planning Template headings in the construction of a sequence of learning activities/tasks - these may spread over a few lessons time slots. it is very difficult to determine time frames as it all depends on the level of your learners and how you organise the learning around your choice of a graphic organiser# that students will construct and a predetermined cooperative learning structure: Corners, but a rough guide is that it could spread over three or more lessons depending on the Year level and the
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Using the Analysis Template
Step A: Revisit your lesson plan and identify and explain where in you plan students will be drawing on two BT levels of thinking – one must be a Higher Order Thinking level.
Name these levels of thinking and recount where in the lessons they are evident.
Step B: Identify where two MI (Interpersonal and one other that is not Verbal- Linguistic or Logical Mathematic) will be drawn upon in the learning plan.
Step C: In more depth explain Group Processing plus any two other Cooperative Learning Principles from the list of five: (i) Positive Interdependence, (ii) Individual Accountability, (iii) Interpersonal Skills, (iv)Promotive Interaction, and (v) Group Processing. Your explanation should provide evidence of these principles inside the cooperative learning structure - Corners - that you have incorporated.
Using the Reflection Template; reflect on your planning of the learning experiences through the lens of the Professional Standards for Australian Teachers (Graduate level).
(i) Consider Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning and specifically its Element 3.2: Plan, structure and sequence learning programs and explain, and indicate where in your learning sequence, there is alignment with this element.
(ii) Consider Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning and its related Element 5.1: describe the assessment strategies you would employ (use the assessment terms you were introduced to in Week 6's topic on Assessment) to determine whether or not the students have achieved the three learning outcomes you originally selected.
Part 1- Planning Template
Factors or determinants
a. Key Learning Area
Stage & Year level
In the Teaching Cycle – This is the ‘What’.
Aim/Topic Focus:
Individually or in a group, the selected students will go for addition, subtraction, reading and ordering of whole numbers and natural numbers. Even the students will be asked to solve mathematical questions with their expertise and talent. A teacher will provide a reflection of the teaching style in regards to the development of the selected age group students.
Stage & year level:
The role of the teacher for stage three children of 5 years to 7 (Early Stage), to understand their mental status also inspire them to understand their surrounding situations. The kids of early age have been selected as per the selected part of the study to understand their mental status and the power of calculation at this stage. As it has been found that, the early stage students’ mind works faster than adult age. This mathematical practice or subject will help to judge them well.
b. Why this learning experience (i.e. rationale)?
Also, What Learning Outcomes/achievable goals are you aiming for?
In the Teaching Cycle – This is the ‘Why’. Learning Outcomes
1.1 Ask mathematical questions to early stage for exploring their knowledge
1.2 Counting up to 30, orders, reads and representation of numbers in proper range
1.3 Using pictorial and concrete representations to understand the mathematical problems
1.4 By using some informal technique trying to learn them combines, separates and compares the collection of objects in numeric format
1.5 Linking mathematical idea with the given problem to justify existing knowledge and understanding in relation to early stage 1 content
c. Explanation of prior learning: What do students already know or what skills have they already acquired relevant to this learning experience? Any experience with Graphic Organisers & Cooperative Learning?
The students will focus on the following resources as per the graphic organiser and cooperative learning. The teachers have targeted early age kids or students and have decided to teacher them about the mathematical terms. The teachers will use the resources like Children’s book ‘Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes, written by Mem Fox. Along with this, The Teacher will use A4 Paper for collecting the responses of students in written form by the use of colour pencils and marker. Teacher will use number charts too to memorise the numbers by the students.
d. Graphic organiser selected; how is its use by the students suitable for addressing the learning outcomes or indicators?(i.e. justification for using it)
If the learning outcome for the teachers is to provide them, adequate knowledge also to guide them in right way so that the selected age group kids get balanced knowledge. Under this situation, the students will use some practical examples, rhyme books or handle some demonstrated situations graphed and designed by teachers so that they can grab the situation in a way that is more generic. The teachers here can focus again on the Bloom’s Taxonomy model and use the next two factors understand and apply (Morton, & Colbert?Getz, 2017). These stages will help the teachers to understand the mental status of the kids.
e. How will the cooperative learning structure assist students achieve the learning outcomes or indicators(i.e. justification for using it) Under the concept of CL the teachers will ask the students few questions in systematic also will use some pictograph data as well as other formats to make them understandable about numbers. The teachers will use even the physical part of the body of each student to learn the numbers such as fingers and toes. Kagan (1989) stated that the LC or cooperative learning structure assist a model or design to the students or learner that inspire them towards the education and make the education system excited for them.
f. The justification for the method of selecting the students for the CL structure The students have selected graphic organiser method under CL structure. The student of this age group has selected rhyme books, practical examples, pictograph and number charts to grab knowledge from their teachers. According to the CL structure, the students need a kind of education system that could help them to learn with a free mind. The graphic organiser would be the best selection from the perspective of students because it will help them to grab practical knowledge that will also fulfil the objective of CL in nature.
g. [This is the main body of the learning sequence it will need MOST of the word allowance]
Description of the overall task and sequence
(Remember to - Label the 5 CL principles as they become operative in the strategy part of the lesson. Also, label and briefly explain the assessment types you will be using).
(This section should be covered concisely in clear sequential steps minimising the use of dot points. It describes what the teacher and students will be doing throughout the entire learning experience).
In the Teaching Cycle – This is the ‘How’.
Introduction 15 Mins:
Read the books Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes to the class, while reading the books:
• Showing them the front cover and asked them about what they understand from that book along with this asked them what that book reminds of?
• Hold up your hands and ask students to hold up their hands and then ask students to count the numbers of hand in the class
• Asking the students to count the hands in reverse as 10, 9, 8, etc
• Ask the students to count the number of pages inside the book
• Ask the students to the numbers in ascending an descending order randomly
• Ask the children by pointing out the figure or picture and ask them the counting displayed on it
• Ask them to count the number in loud voice
Teaching Notes
• To check either students are on their seats r not
• Need to read slowly so that students can capture by listening
• Need to avoid the flipping from pages that might distract students
• Need to use visual to make the facts more understandable for them
• Use number charts for them to spell out the numbers clearly
Body 25 mins:
Need to divide the students into groups and try to count the numbers by using fingers and toes.
• Provide A4 sheet paper to each student and ask them to count their fingers and toes and write down the numbers on the sheet of paper
• Ask them to now with other group members in the class. Count the numbers of toes and fingers of others and write down the counting on the sheet
• Ask the students to draw the print of their hand on the sheet by putting hand on the paper and write down the number of fingers on the sheet
Teaching Notes:
• Students must be grouped together with proper balance
• Each should be provided with A4 Paper colour pencils and markers
• When students are busy with their task listen their counting sincerely
• While performing the task and during round familiar them with the term addition and subtraction
• Try to observe the children how they are counting or what criteria they follow for counting
• Children must be mastered in counting up to 30 and back to 10
Conclusion 10 min:
The teachers needed to use the sports whistle and ask them to stop their task and then ask them to windup their materials. Along with this, while winding up ask them some reflective questions
• What actually students found after counting their fingers and toes
• Is all the members have equal numbers of toes and fingers
• How did they work it out
Extended questions like:
• How many family members they have
• What they were doing
• Count numbers of fingers and toes of their family members
Teaching Notes:
• Student must be aware about the pack up ring bell
• Ask the students to sit in the same group until got instruction to leave the floor or classroom
• Teacher must write down the responses of the students on a sheet of paper after asking them random questions
Bloom’s Taxonomy and Multiple Intelligence incorporated
There are 6 Thinking levels in Bloom’s Taxonomy of Thinking levels. Name the two (inclusive of one of the three highest levels) that you aimed to foster in your learning sequence; very explain why and wherein the learning sequence there is evidence of this
• Analyse
• Create
These two are the most valuable stage in BT or Bloom’s Taxonomy model because after analysing the idea or the thinking level if the teacher does not create any path to execute that idea into actual way then it is worthless. It is the responsibility of the teacher that he or she must display his or her idea to the students so that the teacher can guide his or her students in a strategic way (Adams, 2015). According to the BT model, the service provider or the communicator should have the power to express him/herself in front of the audience and hence for that confident level of communication there must be a creative idea.
Name two Multiple Intelligence that you aimed to activate (one must be Interpersonal and one other (not Verbal-Linguistic, nor logical Mathematical); very briefly explain why and where in the learning sequence there is evidence of these.
• Self Smart
• Logic Smart
As per the multiple intelligence skill tests, the teacher or the service provider should have this two specialised character or features in self. Students of the selected stage, 5-7 years, are very intellectual as well as curious from the mind and so they expect something different and miracle from their teachers. At this stage, the self-smart skill of Multiple intelligence tests is helpful for the teacher to handle the situation on the quick basis (Meltzer, 2018). Kids are curious to know new things also their mind runs faster than the mind of an adult hence the teachers must have proper logic behind of their every answer or statement delivering to their students to remove the gap of communication.
Cooperative Learning Principles incorporated
Name of CL Principle Explain Group Processing plus any two other Cooperative Learning Principles your learning sequence exemplified. Identify where inside the cooperative learning structure these are evident.
1. Jigsaw theory (Kind of Puzzle) Along with the group processing plus, this advanced CL principle also helpful for the teachers to fulfil the learning outcome. This CL principle is explaining that teachers should provide kind of tasks to the students so that they can work together to solve this and Group Processing Plus also following the similar thought. (Leading Lesson 1 and 2)
2. Three Step Interview This CL principle is deriving an interaction between two different kids so that they can know each other. The Group Processing, on the other hand, is focusing on the similar factor that interaction must take kids to make the education practices successful. (Leading Lesson 1 only)
3. Visible Quiz Visible Quiz is another group intervention CL principle that enforces the students to work in a group. It has again justified the concept of Group Processing Plus for handling group of the students in the class. (Leading Lesson 2 Only)
Reflection on the Professional Standards for Australian Teachers
Standard 3:
Plan for and implement effective teaching and its related elements
Where in your planning of the learning experience is there alignment with the Elements (3.2) - Plan, structure and sequence learning programs
Showing how in the learning plan there is evidence of this. Under the section, 3.2 criteria I needed to set for my student as a teacher so that I can deliver my knowledge to my students. Before going through the entire process, I have to go for a subjective study about the mental status of the students so that I can be able to understand their demands and the requirements. As the selected stage group, students are very small in age, but their mind runs faster than the mind of an adult, and hence I must understand them. Before starting my teaching session in the class, I have to learn the mind of my students in all the way and based on that reading I have to go for planning to set syllabus and teaching style for them. The section has even described that I have to read the mind of the students, but the question is why, as I am the teacher and I know better what is good for my students or not. The fact is not like this; the fact is it is true that I am the respected teacher of my students but every human being has some expectations from their teachers or tutor. Thus, being a good teacher or tutor, I have to understand what my student is demanding from me. What else he or she is needed from me (teacher) is the most imperative task for me. After knowing the expectations of my students, I need to set my way of teaching or my teaching style. The challenge what I might face is if I mention the expectations of every kid in the class than it will take long time to finish me. Thus, I have to understand the common expectations of the kids in the classroom and then I should go with best teaching style.
Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning and its related elements
Where in your planning of the learning experience is there alignment with element 5.1 - Assess student learning
Name and describe the assessment strategies you will use to determine whether the students have achieved the two learning outcomes you originally selected. Teaching has been defined as one of the systematic processes that are organized in regards to providing better educations to them. Under the segment, 5.1 criteria I expected to set for my understudy as an educator with the goal that I can convey my insight to my understudies. Before going for the whole procedure, I need to go for subjective investigation about the psychological status of the understudies with the goal that I can have the capacity to comprehend their requests and the necessities. As they chose to arrange a gathering, understudies are little in age, yet their mind runs quicker than the brain of any grown-up, and consequently, I must comprehend them. Before beginning my showing session in the class, I need to develop a kind of formal as well as a diagnostic cultural environment for them, so that my students receive primitive education, as per their requirement as well as expectation. The segment has even depicted that I need to peruse the psyche of the understudies. However, the inquiry is the reason, as I am the instructor and I know better what is useful for my understudies or not. In fact, the truth of the matter is not this way; the undeniable reality is doubtlessly I am the regarded instructor of my understudies yet every person has a few desires from their educators or guide. Along these lines, being a decent instructor or coach I need to comprehend what my understudy is requesting from me. What else he or she is required from me (educator) is the most basic assignment for me. After knowing, the desires of my understudies I have to set my method for instructing or my educating style. The test what I may confront is whether I say the desires of each child in the class than it will take a long time to complete me. Subsequently, I need to comprehend the basic desires of the children in the classroom and after that, I ought to run with best instructing style.
Reflection on your Assignment 1 response to question 5
Cut and paste here your original response to the question:
5. What ways of assessing are you aware of? What types are the most effective?
[If you did not submit Assignment 1 you could not respond to this section of the Reflection template] Reflection:
There are numbers of assessments are present those are helpful for establishing the education system in a normative way to the students. The assessment is like summative assessment and formative assessment. Both of these assessment criteria are the best way to provide education to students in a systematic way also this is being helpful for generically handing the students. It will be the best route for me to handle my students in paternalistic because as a teacher if I must provide better educations facilities them, I also must check how much they have gained from my teaching process or style. The formative assessment and summative assessment is like a test for my students and me. By the help of these two types of tests, both we come to know about our knowledge level and the potential to grab required knowledge.
Darnis, F. & Lafont, L., (2015). Cooperative learning and dyadic interactions: two modes of knowledge construction in socio-constructivist settings for team-sport teaching. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 20(5), pp.459-473.
Kagan, S., (1989). The structural approach to cooperative learning. Educational leadership, 47(4), pp.12-15.
Meltzer, L. (Ed.). (2018). Executive function in education: From theory to practice. Guilford Publications.
Morton, D.A. & Colbert?Getz, J.M., (2017). Measuring the impact of the flipped anatomy classroom: The importance of categorizing an assessment by Bloom's taxonomy. Anatomical sciences education, 10(2), pp.170-175.