A Foundational Principle of the Catholic



Choose  principles of catholic social thought write about the same.


Catholic social thought is the principles of Catholic on the matters of the common good as well as the dignity of human in the society. It is based on the belief that there is a master plan made by God for creation. There is a plan of God to create the kingdom of justice, love, and peace. The belief also specifies that God has created a particular place for all of us irrespective of who we are. In the master plan of God, our part is not only limited to the things related to spirituals, but it includes the entire aspects of the lives of a human being (Massaro, 2015). It shows the way of praying, the way of living, the way of meeting the people in the society, the way of dealing with the difficulties of daily life, the way of behaving, etc. The principles of Catholic social thought aim at making the human being a responsible global citizen. It teaches us that we should treat all the human being as our brother and sister. 
There are several principles of Catholic social thought such as the common good, the promotion of peace, global solidarity, the universal purpose of goods, the preferential option for the poor, the stewardship of creation, etc. (Massaro, 2015). 
In this paper, the Common Good, the Preferential Option for the Poor, and the life and dignity of the Human Person have been taken to study. These three principles will be discussed in this paper with their meaning and significance.

The Common Good

The common good is a foundational principle of the Catholic social thought. As a foundational principle of Catholic social thought, it is closely tangled with the human dignity which leads to solidarity. God has created a human being as a social being. Therefore, the rights of all the person should be experienced within the setting of elevation of the common good (Mommaerts and Massey, 2017). The good which comes into presence in a society of unity among equal and active agent is the common good. All the human being living in a society is responsible for the common good. They need to make necessary sacrifices in the society so that the people who are marginalized could also become active contributors to the society. Making necessary sacrifices is not the need of the society, but it is the responsibility and duty of the people who can make sacrifices in the society. The sacrifices are necessary to uplift the weaker section of the society. The people as a social being should be interdependent on each other. There should be interrelationship among each other. The Catholic social thought also focuses on the dignity of every human being. The dignity of every human being should promote the common good to uplift the weaker section of the society as well as to create interrelationship among the entire individual in society (Mommaerts and Massey, 2017).

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The preferential option for the poor

Catholic social thought believes that the human being as a follower of Jesus Christ is challenged to create a preferential option for the weaker section of the society. The weaker section of the society of the poor is also a human being, and they should also have the right to live in the society peacefully. The society should ensure justice for the weaker section of the society. There should be peace for every individual of society.  No one should deny the peace, justice, and rights of the poor (Guitián, 2015). The society should create a condition for the poor in which the voices of the poor should be heard. The marginalized people should be defended. They should also have access to the lifestyle, social institution, as well as policies so that they can also ensure the quality of life in the society. The option for poor is not for making a group superior to other but to make the whole community stronger (Guitián, 2015). 

The life and dignity of the human person

The people believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a Gospel of life. The dignity of human means every individual has been created in the image of God. The principle of Catholic social thought "the life and dignity of the human person" states that all the individuals of a community should respect each other. It states that God has called all human being to respect all the individuals in the society, create interrelationship with them and live peacefully. The tradition the society shows that all the individuals are holy from the commencement of death.  This principle states that those people who are poor, weak and marginalized should get special respect and treatment; particularly those who are dying or elderly, disabled, unborn, etc. The main aim of the life and dignity of the human person is not only prevention against harming or killing the life, but it aims at announcing a new culture of life by admiring life, fostering the life at the entire stages as well as loving the life. It is aiming to strengthen the entire community by uplifting the weaker section of the society.
All the principles discussed in this paper show the great importance of the relationship between self and community. All the principles focus on strengthening the community through uplifting the weaker, vulnerable, and poor section of the society. All the principles of Catholic social thought emphasize on the relationship between self and community (Massaro, 2015). The common good focuses on making necessary sacrifices in the society so that the weaker section of the society can also get access to all the social institution and quality of life to participate in the society actively. The preferential option for poor focuses on uplifting the poor section of the society by providing them justice, peace and loves. The main aim of this principle is to strengthen the whole society through strengthening the poor, weaker, and vulnerable of the society (Massaro, 2015). The third principle of the Catholic social thought that is the life and dignity of human person focuses on respect for the entire person in the society.  All the individuals should be treated equally and with justice in the society. Those who are able to give respect to the poor of the society should give respect. Therefore, it can be said that all the principles of the Catholic social thought tell us the importance of the relationship between self and community.  


Massaro, T. (2015). Living justice: Catholic social teaching in action. Rowman & Littlefield.
Mommaerts, E., & Massey, J. (2017). Session 15: Catholic Social Teaching.
Guitián, G. (2015). Service as a bridge between ethical principles and business practice: A Catholic Social Teaching perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 128(1), 59-72.

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