Applied Criminal Justice


Question: Applied Criminal Justice



In this present paper, we will discuss the slippery slope and its relationship with gratuities with an example. The paper also describes the society at large, structural or affiliation, rotten apple hypothesis regarding the public corruption with each example.

Slippery slope & its relationship to gratuities

The slippery slope is defined as the slang term which means thin edge. It is the position of a person where the person is standing on the edge of the line amongst the good and bad. For example, the Sub Inspector is affecting a cup of coffee free of cost from the coffee shop he is laying on the bad side of a line.
Gratuities are defined as the sum of money which is paid to the employee by an employer at the end of the year, but it can be in any form like flowers, gifts, coffee and others to the high-rank officers because of helping a person (Dowling et al., 2015). For example the police officer receives a reword of worth Rs. 5,000 for doing great work. But sometimes the police officer receives bribery for the favor in the future. The slippery slope and gratuities have a direct relationship. The gratuities sometimes turn against the law because of the benefits are given in the name of gratuity. The small gratuities are even considered as the corruption in the career of policeman whereas some theories suggested as a positive sign in the practice. The first step of corruption is suggested as the acceptance of gratuities.  If the officer is on the slippery slope, then it is very difficult for them to stop from the gratuities. The slippery slope is divided into two slopes, namely, psychological slope and logical slope. The slippery slope position is the serious problem for the police department even it is for the single corrupted police officer in the police department.

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Delattre has introduced three theories to explain the corruption in general and public offers. Following are the three theories:

Society at large hypothesis    

The theory explains that the public plays an influential role on the ethical behavior of police officers. The society plays an important role especially when the interest served by the police officer is influenced by the specific group (Meyer et al., 2013). The gratuity is used by the dominant culture in the community to influence the police for the favor which becomes an ethical issue of racial profiling. The Delattre explains that the growth of the corruption is increased by the proportionate increase in the benefits by the corrupted behavior. The theory is given by O.W. Wilson which says that the society itself is responsible for the corruption. The gratuity is given to the public servant who enables the high level of corruption. It includes the tip given to the waiters for bringing luggage to the hotel rooms, parking the car and others. For example: The gratitude is given to the police officer for giving bail to the person who enables the corruption in the police department.

Structural or Affiliation Hypothesis

The theory involves the influence of corrupted structure which involves the supportive departmental structure. The theory supports the role of departmental supervisor which helps to increase the effective management and accountability of police officers (Lee et al., 2013). The theory believes that the values trickle down from the brass to the files and ranks. The supervisor who are not having control over the department, therefore they are encouraging the corruption. The “blue wall of corruption” is suitable in this situation where the corrupted activities are carried by the department. For example: The drug is selling in the police area, and the behavior of the department against the street violence is covered by the chief police officer.

Rotten Apple hypothesis

The theory is paying attention towards the insufficiencies which contribute to the police corruption. The framework of the theory applied to police corruption then it averts the legitimacy and the literature arguing about the inherent truth that comes police officers are inherently act in a corrupt way (Meyer et al., 2013). The corrupted police officers influence their mates to corrupt by their association. The theory has also discussed the role of the departmental supervisor in mitigating the corrupted behavior of the police officer. The theory believes that some officers are corrupted from the core. The corrupted police officers are involved in activities such as robbery, murder, selling and purchasing of drugs, and other criminal activities. There are many corrupted government officers in the police department who are involving in corrupted activities, and they are influencing their peers who create a gang of thugs. For example: The core corrupted police officer taking money to cover the activities such as criminal case, robbery, murder, and others.  


The slippery slope is defined as the edge of the line between the good and bad. It is related to the nature of an individual which reflects the ethical behavior of an individual. For example: Taking a free cup of coffee from the coffee shop is a slippery slope for a police inspector. There is a direct relationship between the gratuities and slippery slope. The gratuity includes flower, coffee, gifts and others which are given to the person as a reward for performing well. The gratuity is used by the corrupted person to the police officer for favoring in corrupted activities such as robbery, criminal and others. The Delattre has given three theories regarding the public corruption, namely, society at large hypothesis, Structural or affiliation hypothesis and rotten apple hypothesis. The society at large hypothesis theory says that the society is responsible for the corrupted police officers. The public influence the ethical behavior of police officers. The growth of the corrupted police officers is increased proportionally to the increment in corrupted public. The affiliation hypothesis theory explains the influence of corrupted structure on the corrupted police officers.  The theory also includes the role of the departmental supervisor in controlling the police officers which helps to maintain the accountability of police officers. The corrupted police officers are encouraged by the mismanagement of supervisors.  The rotten apple hypothesis shows the attention towards the insufficiencies. The theory explains that some officers are inherently corrupted. The corrupted police officers influence their peers and encourage them to support their corrupted behavior. For example: The core corrupted officers contributes to the corrupted activities such as robbery, murder, criminal case and others.  

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  • Dowling, C., Knechel, W. R., & Moroney, R. (2015). Public oversight of audit firms: The slippery-slope of enforcing the regulation. Available at SSRN 2678828.

  • Meyer, M. E., Steyn, J., & Gopal, N. (2013). Exploring the public parameter of police integrity. Policing: an international journal of police strategies & management, 36(1), 140-156.

  • Lee, H., Lim, H., Moore, D. D., & Kim, J. (2013). How police organizational structure correlates with frontline officers’ attitudes toward corruption: A multilevel model. Police Practice and Research, 14(5), 386-401.

  • Meyer, M. E., Steyn, J., & Gopal, N. (2013). Exploring the public parameter of police integrity. Policing: an international journal of police strategies & management, 36(1), 140-156.


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