Data Integrity and System Performance


in Chapter 14 , The book talks about many different forms of nonfunctional requirements, from security to performance. Select any one of these and give two examples of how that category may be significant with our HR training application.
the book name:
Wiegers, K., & Beatty, J. (2013). Software Requirements, 3rd edition. Redmond, Washington:
Microsoft Press.



Non-functional requirements are used to judge the operations of the system, not the behavior. A functional requirement provide a criteria that how a system should behave. Non-functional requirements on the other hand plays a vital role for the user experience optimization ("Comment lines: Botzum, Brown, Hambrick: Why do non-functional requirements matter?", 2016). In the case provided for Marymount University HR department, there are only 6 administrators who perform multiple functions. There are many nonfunctional requirements important to the proposed system, but the two most important requirements are discussed in the next section.

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Data Integrity

Data integrity stands for the completeness of the data. Data should be consistent, accurate and complete. For the HR management system, there are different operators with a defined role. It is important that whatever instances of data is visible to the different users, should be consistent. Otherwise, system will result a complete mismanagement. Hence, data integrity has a significant impact on the system. For example, in case of leave approval, if one of the administrator approves the leave and it doesn’t reflect in the employee system as approved, the meaning of entire leave management system will be useless. 
A system usually allows report generation for multiple administrators. Any form of inconsistency in data will generate different statistical reports for the two admins and it will be difficult to sort the issue or identify the correct version of the report (Cotton, 2016). Hence, data consistency is of prime importance. Last but not the least, training is intended to be same for all the users. Any form of inconsistency in the training data or schedule will create issues for the user. 

System Performance

System performance is vital for any piece of software. In our case Performance holds the key. If the staff is going to increase with the time, system throughput should not decrease. In case system slows down, it will be frustrating for the administrator to operate and the system upgradation from the current version will not be useful. Moreover, the primary objective of the system creation is to improve the training delivery program. System should be able to handle multiple requests for a particular training schedule at the same time. It should serve the requests without slowing down. 


Success of the HR Training application is based on usual non-functional requirements, such as, availability, scalability, recovery etc. But System performance and Data integrity stands out in their importance. The entire motive of training creation and delivering through the HR training system will be useless in case the system hangs or slows down due to multiple requests. As per the application, Success metrics is defined on the basis of user experience, which is highly dependent on the system performance. The second success metrics is the delivery attendance improvement, which is also dependent on the interaction of users with the system.

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  • Cotton, J. (2016). Data: The importance of accuracy, integrity and real-time integration | Information Builders. Retrieved 14 October 2016, from

  • Comment lines: Botzum, Brown, Hambrick: Why do non-functional requirements matter?. (2016). Retrieved 14 October 2016, from

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