Sustainability Marketing and Communications


Analyze the language of a sustainability report of your choosing, providing an explanation of their word choice, and propose possible improvements (for each area).
Cover the following areas:
Sustainability as a journey/continuous improvement
Transparency & authenticity
Being open to collaboration/input
Dimensionalizing the abstract
Provide quotes as examples in your paper (keep to short quotes and make sure they are properly quoted & cited. Quotes do not count towards word limit).

Sustainability Report
Marks & Spencer 


Analyzing the language of the Sustainability Report

Marks & Spencer (M&S) and its Sustainability policy are unique and being successfully applied. It is also used extensively by the brand. It is in the same context that M&S has also used steps towards fulfilling its goal to become a great retailer. Thus, the sustainability policy of the company has also been utilized to be upgraded in such a manner in which the world's most sustainable form has to be updated. The Plan A strategy of the organization has been extensively adapted by M&S and is, therefore, also used to enable the strategists in the organization to execute operational efficiency as well as a lot of changes has also been adopted by the organization (Jones et al., 2016).

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The language of the sustainability policy of the M&S is extremely adaptive and applicable as it allows for the fact that the organization has developed 100 new, revised and existing commitments. The company also has conducted various forms of techniques within the retailers and the organization has, therefore, for the very first time been able to incorporate the different kinds, means as well as types of retailer's international operations (Jones et al., 2016). The company has, therefore, executed its sustainability policy in a manner that it has enabled the organization to make Plan A super successful. Subsequently, the execution of such a sustainability policy has also led to the rise in the commitments to 180 initiatives which has been identified by GRI, and the policy implementers have even executed it.  It has also been estimated as well as suggested that the climate change as well as the waste, natural resources, health, and wellbeing, has also aggravated the amount of monetary savings of the organization (Sogn et al., 2013). 
The fact that the Plan A of M&S has effectively and very efficiently generated £465m worth of net benefits is an indication of the fact that the organization has been very effectively and efficiently reinvested in the business and has also implemented its sustainability policy in an efficient manner. Besides all of this, the sustainability policy has also been able to improve the resilience of its various forms of existing supply chains. This is one of the acute manners which have ensured that the language of the sustainability policy of M&S is properly understood by all the clients (Wheelen et al., 2015). The various success stories of the organization are a proof of the fact that the various implications of the policy have also been the fact that they are entirely utilized in the form of fully carbon neutral stores, offices, and warehouses, etc. The sustainability policy has been effectively implemented since there has been a 31 per cent reduction in emissions as well as an extremely significant 27 percent drop in water use. Besides such important stats, there has also been a vital improvement of 34 per cent in the field of energy efficiency through the implementation of M&S’s sustainability policy (Reilly et al., 2014). 
M&S sustainability policy and its language is quite important and implementable since it has enabled the workers to work not only along with the various other retailers which are available but also with the various other kinds of fast as well as quick moving forms of consumer goods in the brand. It is the same reference that the organization has also been able to efficiently achieve its goals along with the raised standards in terms of the economy (Reilly et al., 2014). Within the same purview, the various parts of the sustainability policy of the M&S have also enabled for a greater form of transparency along with highly developed economic models (Jones et al., 2014). The fact that M&S in the execution of its plans has been a major success in terms of translating the distinct social as well as the diverse environmental impacts into financial values is an indication that the language of M&S’s sustainability policy has been socially accepted (Dauvergne & Lister, 2012).
The language of the M&S sustainability policy suggests that it is in the third phase of the implementation of the sustainability policy that the organization would fetch millions of consumers along with tens of thousands of employees which may be vital, important and significant- all at the same time. Besides, the beginning of the implementation of the starting to be able to build an amazingly true as well as sustainable business model is essential. Besides this, the language of the main form of the sustainability policy is also a proof of the fact that the existing business model of the M&S, as applied in its current form of sustainability policy is also extensively suggestive of a 40 per cent better performance and has been consistently giving a better and improved performance as compared and contrasted to the past. This falls truly in the case of parameters such as those of waste, water, energy, etc. (Jones et al., 2014).
The fact that the different phases of the Plan A of the M&S sustainability policy have been successfully incorporated indicates that the level of engagement within this policy has been fruitful and involves a wide range of people- from customers to employees and then even to the suppliers (Kiron et al., 2013). This has resulted in an improved contemplation with regard to the policy. Also, the fact that the M&S has very skillfully structured a segment of new commitments which has enabled the customers to innovate, has then also enabled the organization to react to the distinct as well as to the new ways of balancing and positioning oneself midst the sustainability policy and the economic concerns of the organization (Dauvergne & Lister, 2012).


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  • Dauvergne, P., & Lister, J. (2012). Big brand sustainability: Governance prospects and environmental limits. Global Environmental Change, 22(1), 36-45.

  • Jones, P., Hillier, D., & Comfort, D. (2014). Assurance of the leading UK food retailers' corporate social responsibility/sustainability reports. Corporate Governance, 14(1), 130-138.

  • Jones, P., Comfort, D., & Hillier, D. (2016). Materiality in corporate sustainability reporting within UK retailing. Journal of Public Affairs, 16(1), 81-90.

  • Sogn-Grundvåg, G., Larsen, T. A., & Young, J. A. (2013). The value of line-caught and other attributes: An exploration of price premiums for chilled fish in UK supermarkets. Marine Policy, 38, 41-44.

  • Reilly, A. H., & Hynan, K. A. (2014). Corporate communication, sustainability, and social media: It's not easy (really) being green. Business horizons, 57(6), 747-758.

  • Kiron, D., Kruschwitz, N., Reeves, M., & Goh, E. (2013). The benefits of sustainability-driven innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review, 54(2), 69.

  • Jones, P., Hillier, D., & Comfort, D. (2014). Assurance of the leading UK food retailers' corporate social responsibility/sustainability reports. Corporate Governance, 14(1), 130-138.

  • Reilly, A. H., & Hynan, K. A. (2014). Corporate communication, sustainability, and social media: It's not easy (really) being green. Business horizons, 57(6), 747-758.

  • Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D., Hoffman, A. N., & Bamford, C. E. (2015). Strategic Management and Business Policy: Globalization, Innovation and Sustainability: Global Edition. Pearson Higher Ed.

  • Jones, P., Comfort, D., & Hillier, D. (2016). Materiality in corporate sustainability reporting within the UK retailing. Journal of Public Affairs, 16(1), 81-90.


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