I am a PhD holder in Management Studies from University of Kent. I am keenly interested in getting involved in work assignments related to organisational behavior, human resource management, international business strategy, organisational behavior, finance, operational research. Proficient in writing and typing skills; computer proficiency in Microsoft Word, MS Excel, Microsoft Outlook and the Internet.
Area of Expertise
- Human resource management
- Organizational environment
- Marketing management
- Principles of management
Occupation/ Designation
- Working as a professor at a university for last eleven years
- Working as a freelancer at AllAssignmentHelp for four years
- Worked as a professor at a university for six years
- Worked as an assistant professor at a university for five years
Professional Skills
- Teaching introductory and upper-level courses in Management
- Writing course material including syllabi and handouts
- Guiding and instructing students to carry out research work
- Assigning varied tasks and evaluating them at definite intervals
- Assessing students' performance and maintain a record of the same
- Helping students in implementing theoretical knowledge in the context of the real world
- Delivering lectures on different topics related to management courses
- Collaborating on admissions on establishing prerequisites
- Teaching
- Traveling
- Biographies