NUR490-SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE UNIVERSITY-Reflection Journal: Philosophy of Nursing



1- How does such a philosophy shape your identity and role as a nurse?
2- Discuss your assumptions about patients, health, environment, and nursing and the relationships among these variables.
3- How does your nursing philosophy guide your interaction with patients, their families, and other healthcare professionals?
4- How do professional integrity, equity, ethics, and the potential for bias factor into your assumptions?

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  1. Nurses have personal philosophies that can change over the length of their careers. It plays an important part in who they are as a healthcare professional through their beliefs, ethics, morals and values. It can motivate a nurse and be the defining factor of why they decided to join a profession devoted to caring for others during a vulnerable time. I feel as though being a nurse is being committed to your patients and providing safe care that is both efficient and conducive to their health. Care should be delivered judgement free regardless of race, sex, culture or creed. My philosophy includes being an advocate for my patients while maintaining integrity, compassion and accountability.

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