POS2041-SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE UNIVERSITY-American Federal Government-Unit 1: Chapters 2



1- In this article Understanding the 25th amendment, the author discusses the history of the 25th amendment and the calls to replace President Trump via the 25th amendment. Do you feel that its use was warranted in January 2021? Why or why not? 

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  1. It can be said that the 25th amendment of the constitution and the history of the 25th amendment and the cost to replace President Trump with the 25th amendment would be understood under the article with the proper representation of the situation of the political scenario at the current stage of the American history. America has seen videos kinds of political turmoil in the overall situation that has given rise to various kinds of situations in the past and in the future they have been relevant to various kinds of issues that can be related as a part of the changes in the current situation of the political scenario.

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