NU560-HERZING UNIVERSITY-Unit 8 Discussion – Reflection



1- What one thing did you learn in the course that you were able to apply in your work during the term? 
2- What one thing are you most looking forward to applying to your career in the future?
3- What future trends may influence how nurses use evidence to improve the quality of patient care?  
4- How will this course content help prepare you for certification in your chosen specialty?
5- Explain the purpose of nursing research in an evidence-based practice environment.
6- Critically analyze various types of research methods, designs, and evidence-based practice for scientific merit.
7- Design an evidence-based practice project that incorporates scholarly inquiry applicable to a select problem in nursing practice, administration, or education.

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  1. According to me, up-gradation in technology is a major aspect of any healthcare institution and being skilled with the instruments helps in providing a quick diagnosis. I feel that going through this course will give me proper insights into research methodology that can be used in my nursing career to approach problems related to healthcare (Boerrigter, 2020). I have been focused on treating cancer patients therefore, handling uncertainty efficiently is an ability that I want to ponder over. Another importance of this course is that it adeptly explains research procedures such as relying on basic philosophy, continuing with the methodology to be considered along with my work.

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