MGT400-EMPLOYMENT LAW-Forum: chapter 3 assignment 2 Utilitarianism



1) Briefly summarize the issue Utilitarianism.
2) Explain and outline the various, multiple possible outcomes of the situation, AND clearly specify the possible good and bad associated with those outcomes.
3) Clearly tell which of those outcomes would you choose.
4) Explain about the good and bad consequences of each alternative.

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Answer ( 1 )

  1. Utilitarianism theory is considered as the theory of morality that mainly advocates actions that can foster happiness as well as to oppose actions that may cause unhappiness (Häyry, 2021). Utilitarianism theory helps to promote the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people. This theory teaches us that harming other people is wrong. For instance, the rule to always tell the truth helps to promote the goods for everyone and therefore should always be followed, even if in a certain situation lying would produce the best consequences. Utilitarianism theory tends to create a black and white of what is morally correct.

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