MGMT305-CRITICAL THINKING IN MGT-Review Submission History: Chapter 2 assignment 1



1- Tell me about a big decision you made that went well, and one that did not go well.  What happened in each?  Did you rely on bad information? Did you go to fast? Did you fall prey to one, Or more, of the decision making biases?  Which ones? 
2- Tell me about a decision You have seen someone in power make (a boss, a parent, a teacher), that went badly.  What mistakes do you think they made?
3- What can you learn from failed decisions about the decision making process?  Remember, being a manager/leader is all about making decisions – big and small ones – but each can have lasting, life changing repercussions.  How can you be a better decision maker?

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  1. Decisions may break or make a project or business. Decision-making is shaped by individual personality and behavioral characteristics. Some decisions are very simple while some are very time-consuming that leaves us feeling anxious. Decisions also involve complex and unpredictable impersonal issues (Lunenburg, 2018). When I started college, I used to face great difficulty in choosing what to prioritize because I want to learn and do everything. During the first semester, I had two large projects and each project had sections that were challenging for me. My natural urge is to try to learn something new whenever it is possible.

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