MAN6721-UNIVERSITY OF WEST FLORIDA- Strategic Management and Policy Formulation-Current Event



1- Identify one (1) industry that is either growing or has had opportunities created from events taking place in the world right now. 
2- Identify one (1) industry that is either slowing (being hurt) or is under major threat from the events taking place in the world right now. 
3- Discuss each of these and use concepts from the online book and other article readings you find to support your position.  Your additional readings can come from popular press or scholarly research publications. 

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  1. Given the main considerations so far, telemedicine is a compelling way to control the spread of COVID-19. However, in countries with high clinical costs, guaranteed Tele health is highly adopted. In addition, telemedicine, with an efficient web connection, requires some technical skills to function. In addition, clinical benefits of Tele care are likely to be the most actively managed task, allowing specialists to pay clinical attention to patients living near their locations and even long distance patients.

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