MGMT305-CRITICAL THINKING IN MANAGEMENT-Chapter 3 Assignment #3 Justice



1- Is there an equality of opportunity when it come to differences in outcomes that people get. If an employee makes more money than others did everyone have a chance to get that bonus…does everyone have a chance to earn that: through education, hard work. or whatever?  Or is it because that person is the nephew of the owner?)
2- If there are inequalities in the outcomes (social, or economic), does everyone get at least some benefit from this?  For example, if a local business owner gets a tax break to build a new factory does that benefit everyone through new jobs, and growth of tax base?) 
3- What you think the best decision should be.  Tell me what you think that is.  Then, finally, tell me, would you pick that same decision if you were behind a veil of ignorance?
4- Would you support raises for the employees?  Can you also make the same decision if you stepped into their shoes and considered it from their perspective?
5- How would a person who believes that “justice” means freedom from coercion from others see the situation? 

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  1. Libertarianism is mainly a political philosophy that upholds liberty as the core principle. The theory seeks to maximize autonomy and political freedom, emphasizing free association, individualism, voluntary association, and freedom of choice (Flanigan, 2020). Rawls’s theory of justice holds that every individual has an equal right to basic liberties and that they must have the right to opportunities and an equal chance as other individuals of similar ability.

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