MGMT305-CRITICAL THINKING IN MGT-Chapter 3 assignment 1 Kantian Ethics



1) Summarize the issue briefly, then apply the basic tenants of Kantian decision-making.
2)  Did the person(s) act in a way that your actions could be universalized everyone would do the same situation is unique, or what would be the decision choice that would result in this?
3)  Was someone used as a means to an end? Or, what result would result in not using anyone (including yourself) as a means to an end.
4)  Was the act done out of a sense of obligation?

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  1. Kantian ethics is mainly considered as the deontological theory that acts on all people, regardless of their desires or interest (Baron, 2018). This theory is developed by German philosopher Immanuel Kant. Kantian ethics principles are defined by the level of freedom and morality. A hypothetical imperative is relatively a moral obligation that is only applicable in relation to predetermined goals. For instance, student studies to get excellent grades. Hypothetical imperatives are mainly independent of our morality and moral duties are relatively driven by categorical imperatives. For instance, cheating in the test may be moral only when all students are cheating on the test, and is justified. However, a mass cheating scandal will meritocracy trust that may lead to the breakdown of educational institutions. Thus, cheating on a test is immoral.

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