MAN6721-UNIVERSITY OF WEST FLORIDA-Wine Wars Case Study Questions-Strategic Management and Policy Formulation



  1. 1- How can you reverse the “cheap and cheerful” image your product has developed in export markets?
  2. 2- How does the supply issue you are having (at least through 2013) get solved when you have such a small home market?
  3. 3- How do you respond to competitors with a lower cost base, such as those from Argentina who can land in the US market at less than your cost?
  4. 4- Now that other countries have followed the marketing and branding strategy that has been the source of your success, how do you continue to differentiate your product in the market?
  5. 5- How do you make the shift from volume growth to value growth as called for in your Strategy 2025?
  6. 6- How can you defend your home market against the two strategies of the French and Australians?
  7. 7- Can you respond to the analysis that shows that the California wines are not priced competitively with some of the imports?
  8. 8- How do you deal with the low-cost imports that can land wine into your market in the popular segments at much cheaper prices than you can produce them?
  9. 9- Should you continue the practice of providing your marketing and distribution expertise to cheap imported wines? Aren’t you creating future problems for your own industry? Aren’t you strengthening your competitors by teaching them skills they currently lack?
  10. 10- What action can you take to recapture the loyalty of Generation Y consumers who seem to be more interested in imported wine?
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Answer ( 1 )

  1. In the export markets, the “cheap and cheerful” image of wine has been established. This image needs to be reversed. One of the potent methods to reverse this image is by enhancing the brand quality and brand promotion. Promotion of wine brand has a wide variety of perks, if done in the correct way that makes the customers desire for that particular type of wine. Thus this would be taken care of.

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