ASPEN UNIVERSITY-Community Health Nursing II-Module 8: Discussion Question



1) You are required to review the course objectives stated in the Syllabus.
2) Conduct a self-reflection of your learning in the course and how you personally have met each of the course objectives?
3) You should research your answer and cite at least one scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing.

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  1. We have reached the end of the course and prior to taking this course, I did not have much knowledge about community-based healthcare practices. I must say that this course has widened my knowledge of nursing and healthcare practices. I learned that a clinician’s duty is not restricted within the four walls of a clinical setting. Promoting the health of the people in our community and protecting several vulnerable people who are at risk of getting affected also comes under the authority of the community-based nursing practice. I learned how to prioritize a particular issue in our community based on its intensity of causing harm and the available resources. This would help me to reach the problem that requires urgent resolution and to select our target audience based on our priority list. Different kinds of intervention strategies can be used in public health care to raise awareness of the people to prevalent issues.

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