Table of Contents
One skill that students often suffer from persuasive writing is how to acknowledge opposing viewpoints. Each student needs to be aware of different writing styles. In addition to this, a student must be aware of the formats and techniques of writing. This helps in developing their writing skills and earning better course credits in academics. Besides the format and style, a student should also know how to convince their readers. They should be able to convince that whatever they are saying is true. As a result, this will reflect that he/she is an expert in their niche.
This blog, written by the experts at AllAssignmentHelp, will discuss persuasive writing techniques with different examples related to them. This blog can be very beneficial for those who have issues managing such writeups.
Persuasive Writing Technique – Definition
It is a written form of an oral debate. Persuasive writing technique is an interesting style of writing for the students.
Using this technique, a writer can convince a reader that his/her opinion about a topic is correct. Furthermore, the selection of words is the most important factor while writing persuasively. The reader should understand what the writer wants to say. Besides that, they should write logical arguments and create a strong close argument. Most noteworthy for a student is to know the different techniques of persuasive writing.
Besides, they should write logical arguments and create a strong closing argument. A student needs to know different techniques of persuasive writing.
There are many things that one needs to keep in mind while working on such a type of assignment. Do you also face issues with similar writeups? In case you find it problematic, without any further delay, avail custom assignment writing service from a reputed company based in your geographic location. This will be very beneficial for you to get the full marks in your papers that you find most difficult to work with and you will also get much time for yourself.
Importance of Knowing Persuasive Techniques for Students
First of all, a student needs to know different forms of writing styles. For a student persuasive technique can be a wonderful way to express their views on a topic. Furthermore, it is a way to understand a student’s passion. In addition, the student gets the opportunity to research subjects that they are interested in.
Moreover, engaging in persuasive writing techniqueshelps the students to improve different styles of writing. They can improve their writing structure and research style. Moreover, it will help them form evidence-based logical conclusions, opinions, and arguments.
Making any assignment, specifically persuasive ones very attractive is quite a tough job. And everyone is not great at it. Even if they try, for some reason, they are not able to fetch high credits in these papers. This eventually builds too much pressure among the students. To avoid such academic burden, students can contact a professional creative writing assignment help company to work on such challenging papers on their behalf. This way, it will be easier for them to attain the marks they always wanted and have an academic life without too much pressure.
Ways of Including the Persuasive Writing Elements
A writer uses different ways to persuade people. There are different techniques in persuasive writing. Let’s discuss in detail the techniques of persuasive writing and why it is important to write persuasively.
The basic elements of the persuasive writing techniques include:
This is the primary stage of the persuasive technique of writing. The introduction of a persuasive essay or paper must be attractive. While reading the introduction part, the reader should get a clear idea of the author’s purpose in writing.
The introduction is the main stage from where the reader understands the basis of the thesis. Therefore, it should be simple and catchy.
This forms the volume of the persuasion. It includes an argument along with at least three shreds of evidence supporting each argument.
In this segment, the writer tries to prove his thesis by providing examples. Here you will get all the information of the article.
The conclusion of the essay should repeat the main points. It should never introduce new ideas or things not discussed in the body of the paper. It is the only element that justifies your thesis. In addition to this, the writer may use some strong points to convince the readers.
As a result, it is the only element that validates your thesis. In addition to this, the writer may use some strong points to convince the readers.
As mentioned earlier, it is not quite easy for every student to have the ability to write such assignments with ease. It has been noticed that to make their assignments count, many lose credits in their online class or exams. This eventually makes their academic life thornier. Many students, in this situation, think I wish I had someone to take my online class so that it would be easy for me to give more time to make my persuasive assignment worthy. Similarly, some individuals also find no way other than to sacrifice their time in writing these papers and give less time to exam preparation. But, exams are always crucial and are a must-attend. Muddling in this situation, students often wonder, how good it would be if I had someone to take my online exam! This would have helped me big time in honing my writing abilities.
Read more: Different Types of Research and Research Skills
Different Persuasive Writing Techniques
The persuasive writing technique plays an important role for any writer. He/she can use a variety of techniques to persuade their readers.
Let’s get to know these:
- In this, the major part is played by the tone and word selection. While reading or writing a topic, the persuasion should be reflected in the article.
- While reading or writing a topic, the persuasion should be reflected in the article. Most noteworthy is the use of persuasive writing techniques in the essay.
Here are examples of persuasive writing techniques that will help you understand it more deeply:
1. Attacks
The writer attacks an opponent or an idea. He puts down persuasion techniques against the opponent or idea. Attacks can attempt to embarrass or insult an opponent.
Anyone who judges other people based on race is unfair and foolish.
2. Clichés
It is a term that has been overused to the extent that they are commonly understood by society.
It is not the destination that matters most, but the journey along the way.
3. Colloquial Language
It is a word or phrase used in informal language. In the case of a formal situation, we do not use these words and phrases. It is a language typically used in everyday speech. It is easily understandable.
”It grossed me out” vs. “It disgusted me.”
4. Emotive language
These are the words used to create an emotional impact or response from the audience purposely. The writer uses emotional language to have a great emotional impact on the audience.
This disastrous situation will not only get worse unless we do something about it.
5. Exclusive Language
This technique excludes somebody else through the words they use.
you can recognize them by the use of pronouns ‘they’, ‘them,’ and ‘those.’
“It’s all their fault because they are the ones who made the decision.’’
6. Inclusive Language
When the writer makes a statement that claims to agree with the audience is Inclusive language.
It can also make the audience deeply engaged thus making them agree with the writer. The example of Inclusive words are us, we, you, and ours.
It is time for us to show our belief in friendship and treat people equally.
7. Evidence
There are three main types of evidence: Anecdotal, Expert Opinion, and Statistical evidence.
Anecdotal evidence
Informally collecting the evidence and relying entirely on personal testimony is termed as Anecdotal evidence. A writer often uses personal anecdotes.
Hence, it helps the writer to support an argument and to make themselves appear more credible.
You know, when I was a kid, my dog was my best friend. My childhood was better because of him.
Expert opinion
To make a writer’s position seem more credible, they may quote the opinions of experts that correspond with their own.
Teenagers are becoming more rebellious as they enter childhood, says child psychologist Jean Marie.
Statistical evidence
Statistics evidence is the numerical proof of an argument. It is shown through the bar diagram, graphs, and statistics.
A recent survey found that 90% of students favored no school uniforms at all.
8. Formal language
The formal language can make the author sound knowledgeable while removing emotion from the issue. Formal language is the more extensive and sophisticated use of language. There is widespread use of formal language in persuasive writing techniques.
The girl whom I met in Singapore was interested in working in Australia.
9. Emphasis
There are three types of emphasis that writers use to draw the reader’s attention: Repetition, Cumulation, and Alliteration.
Repeating a single word, many times over is repetition.
We will all suffer for years to come unless we stop this government, stop them in the workplace, stop them in the polls, and stop them on Election Day.
Using many similar words in a short space is Cumulation.
This task requires guts, determination, grit, and willpower.
The repetition of the first sound in consecutive words is alliteration.
To rip people off so blatantly shows Mr Craven to be cruel, calculating, and crooked.
10. Rhetorical question
These are types of questions asked to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer. The idea here is not to receive an answer but to give stress on a point.
Do we want our children to grow up in a world where people threaten them with violence on every street corner?
11. Exaggerations or Hyperbole
Hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration used to make a point for emphasis or humor. Exaggerating the scale of an issue can draw an emotional response from a reader.
- “I am so hungry I could eat a horse.”
12. Generalizations
It goes hand in hand with stereotypes. They are a statement or concepts obtained from specific cases. Generalizations are the most common persuasive writing technique.
A store manager might see one or two teenagers shoplifting and write a letter to the editor claiming all teenagers steal and can’t be trusted.
13. Hypothetical evidence
Hypothetical Evidence is based on claims typically based on a “what if” statement.
“What if the world ends tomorrow.”
14. Logic and reasoning
The use of a valid argument is developed step by step with reasoning and evidence. There is justification to support each main point, to influence an audience.
‘If we don’t have the resources to support an increased population, we can’t sustain this level of immigration. It’s that simple.
15. Metaphors and Similes
A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. There is a direct comparison between the two things- one becomes the other.
‘He was on a roller coaster of emotions.’
A figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind is used to make a description more emphatic or vivid.
‘He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.’
16. Repetition
An act of saying and writing something already said or written more than once. Repetition is like using a word or phrase several times.
“Oh, woeful, oh woeful, woeful, woeful day!”
–Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
17. Sensationalism
Sensationalism presents stories in a way that intends to provoke public interest or excitement, at the expense of accuracy. It leads the audience to believe it is more important, dramatic, and extreme than it really is.
One exciting news headline from the newspaper; “Aspirin May Kill You,” in giant, bold, and black letters. Yet in the article, we find that the word “may” shows that aspirin “may kill you…if you take 400 tons of it in one gulp.
18. Pun
A joke is exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words that sound alike but have different meanings.
“The cartoon animator felt imprisoned by his job. He could not free himself from his cell”.
19. Graphs and Diagrams
The presentation of the persuasive writing techniques is in a visual form. With the help of graphs and diagrams, you can see the evidence.
20. Jargon
Jargons are special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand.
- I need a script to pick up the medicine. (medical jargon for “prescription”)
- Your objection is overruled. (legal jargon)
21. Humour
It is the quality of being amused or comic, especially as expressed in literature or speech.
Humor, such as puns, irony, sarcasm, satire, and jokes can be persuasive by dismissing opposing views, providing a more engaging and friendly tone, and swaying an audience by having them enter into the joke.
‘Artraged’ is a pun on ‘Outraged’ when talking about controversial art.
22. Analogy
An analogy is a form of reasoning that compares one thing with another to make a particular point.
A school is like a prison, and the students are like prisoners.
23. Connotations
The emotional meanings associated with the word are connotations. While writing the authors often choose their words carefully so that the connotation can suit their purpose.
Kill and slaughter both mean the same thing, but the word slaughter causes the audience to imagine the act.
24. Cause and effect
First of all, start with the cause and then add the effect or effects afterward. This is particularly concerned with words in a single sentence, although the logic applies if spread across sentences.
If I help you, you will be more successful.
25. Appeals
A writer uses this persuasive technique to appeal to the reader’s sense of logic, emotion, and ethics. The main objective is to persuade the reader to get agree with the writer’s point of view.
The persuasive appeal is composed of three main components: logos, pathos, and ethos. They are also known as the modes of persuasion.
There are plenty of to keep in mind and also take note of how to apply those. The process of understanding the applicability of each of the above-mentioned will not happen just like that! To be able to effectively each of these, students must invest a good share of time three to four time every week. However, with the existing study load, it may not be possible for every student to maintain it. To make their persuasive assignment out of the box, students can take advantage of assignment writing services at any time and a very pocket-friendly cost. Professional assignment makers will make sure that the papers are written maintaining all the guidelines and this way, students will also be able to understand how to make effective assignments.
Basic Modes of Persuasion
Students also need to have a clear understanding of the primary mode of persuasion.

Let’s look at the following:
Logos (Logic)
A logical appeal appeals to the mind. A logical appeal is the strategic use of a claim, evidence, and warrant to convince an audience to do or believe something. Logos is an appeal to logic and is a way of persuading an audience by reason.
“History has shown time and again that absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Ethos (Ethics)
Ethos is an appeal to ethics, and it is a means of convincing someone of the character or credibility of the persuader. It establishes the writer as fair, unbiased, open-minded, ethical, and honest. The writer creates a sense of him or herself as trustworthy, honorable, and credible.
“As a doctor, I am qualified to tell you that this course of treatment will likely generate the best results.”
Pathos (Emotion)
Pathos is an appeal to emotion and is a way of convincing an audience of an argument by creating an emotional response. Emotional appeals target the emotions of the reader to create some kind of connection with the writer and his or her claim.
Since humans are in many ways emotional creatures, pathos can be a very powerful strategy in an argument. However, emotional appeals can be transparently manipulative.
“If we don’t move soon, we’re all going to die! Can’t you see how dangerous it would be to stay?”
These are detrimental for every individual who are working on assignments related to persuasive or any other sort of assignment papers. Having clear idea of the parts will help them to go a long way academically as well as professionally if they ever want to have a career in writing or entertainment domain.
Get a college assignment help service to work on your persuasive assignment papers and wow your professor easily!
Read more: Best Guide to Explain Informative Speech Topics Perfectly
Common Persuasive Appeals
Till here we discussed the modes of appeals. Now we will discuss the ten common persuasive appeals. This will guide you with a different format of assignment writing service.
Take a look at the following:
1. Added Value
Target Audiences
Adults, collectors, persons with limited resources
This is an appeal to our economic side. We are looking for a good deal and savings. The desire is to obtain the things we want for as little as possible.
It also relates to the desire to collect and maintain things we value — including money, art objects, stamps, and baseball cards.
Buy one, get one free.
Twenty percent off if you order before midnight.
2. Adventure/Challenge
Target audiences
Younger people, males
A writer uses this appeal to justify or prove his statement. His challenges the reader that his thesis is correct. It attracts the reader’s attention.
Join the Navy and see the world.
Go for the gusto.
3. Argument/Comparison
Target audiences
Confronted people, people who like to compete, comparison shoppers.
This can take an intellectual approach, appeal to one’s emotions, or a combination of both. It is a way to address forces that threaten us. It is also used in comparison with other products.
Fight back against high prices.
4. Companionship/Attraction
Target audiences
Single people, camp followers
Humans are social creatures. We tend to enjoy the company of others. In the basic sense, we are looking for love. In a much broader sense, people enjoy being a part of a bigger group.
Sometimes the focus is on becoming a member of an elite organization. The appeal can be intellectual or emotional. Images of happy people interacting with one another are widely used.
The Few. The Proud. The Marines.
Wouldn’t you like to be Pepper too?
5. Fear/Safety
Target audiences
Fear or safety appeals keep us from doing things that can bring us danger. It also motivates us to take action that can protect us from a potential threat. The use of this appeal is highly dependent upon the action feared. Children who have not experienced serious illness are not likely to respond to that kind of appeal. However, they are more likely to respond to the fear of the dark and the unknown. The fear of losing one’s job may be more real than losing one’s life.
Seat belts save lives.
Know the seven warning signs of cancer — before it is too late.
Help take a bite out of crime.
6. Guilt
Target audiences
The argument attempts to persuade by making the person feel guilty for not accepting the position.
The effectiveness of this appeal is highly dependent upon the targeted audiences. Various people have socially instilled guilt in different ways. The key is knowledge of the specific public.
Don’t buy life insurance for yourself. Buy it for those left behind.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Voting is not a privilege. It is a responsibility.
7. Loyalty
Target audiences
This is a very broad category for a wide range of appeals. People are loyal to many things: family, friends, social groups, and nation.
Buy American.
Give to the United Way.
8. Empowerment/Independence
Target audiences
Young people, women, disadvantaged, free spirits
In these increasingly complex times, more and more people want to take greater control of their own lives. This appeal works well with those who see themselves as being on the outside looking in.
It is also an effective appeal among those who fashion themselves as rugged individualists.
You’ve come a long way, baby.
Be all that you can be.
Take charge of your future. Enroll in night classes.
9. Pride/Vanity
Target audiences
Social climbers. Teenagers, young, and adults.
This appeal can be potent. It takes several forms: reputation, self-respect, prestige, and vanity. It is driven by how we view ourselves and how we want others to see us.
The ownership of certain products, such as luxury cars, can be an example of a statement of social standing.
Be the first on your block to own one.
You deserve the best.
10. Reverence/Worship
Target audiences
Source credibility is the key to the effectiveness of this appeal. Most importantly, we hold certain people, institutions, and values above all others. We often hear testimonials from specific individuals, such as actors or athletes.
However, the use of religion in support of a product or cause is a sensitive issue and can backfire.
Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and Chevrolet.
I want to be like Mike.
After reading all the persuasive language examples, It can be expected that students have some sort of knowledge about these and their applicability. It will help you understand how a writer persuades. In addition to all the definitions, the examples will give you extensive and detailed knowledge.
Moreover, this persuasive writing technique list will be helpful in custom assignment writing and essay drafting. In addition to this, you can write your essay in a different format. Learn persuasive writing techniques in a different yet interesting way and implement them in your studies now.
When one knows persuasive writing techniques, it becomes easier for him/her to work on any assignment or write-up. They are also able to fetch much better marks than others. The techniques are a must for students to learn as this can give them many advantages in their academic lives. Get to know from the Reflective Journal as Business Research example more about ways of writing such pieces.
Read more: Learn Persuasive Language Techniques And Be An Influencer!
Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1: Do professional assignment makers accept last-minute persuasive assignment requests? Answer: Yes, professionals accept last-minute requests and guarantee to deliver the assignment on crisis management or any related subject or topic before the mentioned deadline. Professionals understand the value of time and the significance of meeting deadlines. |
Question 2: Can I Be Sure About the Quality of the Assignment Done by an Assignment Writing Service? Answer: Yes, an assignment writing service assigns your assignment to subject-specific experts who are well-versed in the idea associated with it. The quality in general is always of high standard when written by such an expert. |
Question 3: What will be the cost to work on my persuasive paper? Answer: The cost of doing such assignments is quite on the cheaper side so students can take the service easily. The pricing is decided between both the assignment writing company and the customer before taking the order. |