Understanding Atmospheric Science and Its Branches


Students, if you are passionate to explore the weather phenomena, their pattern, challenges of the environment, then there is a field that is the right match for you. Hence, the major is atmospheric science. As far as the subject is concerned, it is a study that discusses physics, climate change, solar radiation, air pollution, and other things neatly wrapped in one subject discipline. Furthermore, with the help of this major, you can help communities to prepare against any natural calamity or mishappening. Now, with the help of this blog of All Assignment Help, let us understand more about atmospheric science, its branches, its challenges, career opportunities, etc. 

Introduction to Atmospheric Science 

Have you ever thought of studying the atmosphere of the earth? If yes then atmospheric science is what you are curious about. So, atmospheric science is a study where we read about the atmosphere of the earth. Moreover, we also read about other physical processes of the earth and various inner working. In addition to this, we have meteorology which is inclusive of atmospheric physics and atmospheric chemistry. However, the major focus of these two is always on weather forecasting. Furthermore, we have climatology in which we study the short- and long-term changes in the atmosphere.

Moreover, it helps in defining the average climate alongside the changes that come over time. These changes can be the result of anthropogenic climate variability and natural climate variability. Now, the expansion of atmospheric science is to the field of planetary science. Moreover, here we can study the atmosphere of planets and natural satellites available in the solar system. furthermore, the academic life with atmospheric science can be a bit difficult. However, you can always hire an Australian helper in that case. They will always provide you with the best solutions. 

Additionally, there are certain experimental instruments used in atmospheric science. These are radiosondes, satellites, radars, lasers, rocket sondes, weather balloons, etc. Now, let us read more about the concept of atmospheric science. 

Branches of Atmospheric Science 

As we have studied above, atmospheric science is a branch of science that deals with the atmosphere of the Earth. Moreover, it is an elaborative study of different systems and their impacts on Earth’s atmosphere. This field is an interdisciplinary field and encompasses different areas related to physics and chemistry. Furthermore, with the help of chemistry and physics, scientists and researchers study the dynamics of the Earth. Also, in atmospheric science researchers extensively study the atmosphere, processes taking place in the atmosphere, and numerous systems of the atmosphere which are affecting the atmosphere. Now, let us read about the major branches of atmospheric science in detail.


The term Paleotempestology is first coined by Emanuel Kerry. In this branch, scientists study the ancient tropical cyclone using various tools and technologies and historical evidence and records. Moreover, the sedimentary proxy records are the best paleotempestology method, other methods are makers in coral, historical documents and speleothems. Also, over the wash deposits conserved on coastal lakes are helpful in sedimentary proxy records.

Atmospheric Physics

Atmospheric physics uses the concepts of physics to study and research the atmosphere. Moreover, scientists and researchers try to imitate the solar system with the help of various fluid flow equations, energy transfers, radiations, and chemical models. Furthermore, meteorology and climatology are two disciplines that are in close association with atmospheric physics. Also, it involves designing and constructing tools and instruments related to the study of the environment and interpretation of the data collected. Additionally, scientists use various elements from the theories like cloud physics, scattering theory, spatial statistics and wave propagation models. The introduction of the sounding rockets helps in the study of the top layer of the atmosphere.

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Atmospheric Chemistry

Atmospheric chemistry is a branch that comes under atmospheric science. It studies the chemical changes of the planet earth and other planets. Moreover, this subject is a multidisciplinary field involving the areas such as volcanology, environmental science, meteorology, geology, oceanography etc. In addition to this, atmospheric chemistry is a vital branch of atmospheric science for more than one reason. It studies the interactions that take place between different living organisms present in the atmosphere. And how they interact with each other and with the atmosphere.

In addition to this, the discipline also does a research study on how natural events such as thunder and volcanic eruption make an impact on the atmosphere. Numerous problems like global warming, ozone depletion, photochemical smog, various greenhouse gases are all such problems studied and tackle by researchers and scientists from this field. Hence, atmospheric chemistry knowledge provides a dominating hand to researchers and scientists to understand the issue at a deep level thus they are able to find an apt solution.


This subject deals with the change in climate that took place in ancient times. However, we all know that we cannot do time travelling and visit our past, similarly to record climatic changes of past scientists uses microfossils, rocks, shells, coral, tree rings to find out the variations and other things related to the climate of ancient times. Moreover, the scientists after doing proper research on the records reconstruct a similar climate which will further help in finding various things about climate change. Ancient climate study is helpful in understanding the changes taking place in today’s climate and how to tackle the issue of global warming. Furthermore, climate understanding of the past helps in predicting the future climate. The field of palaeoclimatology originated in the 19th century when various related to glaciers and natural climatic variations helped in understanding the greenhouse gases and their effects.


The word Climatology was originated from the Greek word KLIMA, which means zone. Climatology studies average weather conditions over a certain amount of time. Moreover, it is a division of atmospheric science and is also studied under geography. Furthermore, climate understanding helps in knowing the weather of a particular area. Most weather forecasting departments hire those who have a degree in climatology.


The term “methodology” has its inception in the word “meteor”. Meteor is referred for space and “ology” is the procedure of studying things in our space. Moreover, this implies that meteorology is a way of studying the atmosphere across the world which also involves weather forecast and relevant processes. Back in history, the efforts in this science used to depend on the available historical data. However, there were no major success records until the 18th century in spite of the fact that meteorology dates back to more than one thousand years ago.

By the inception of the 19th century, this branch of atmospheric science saw slight growth with the development of networks of weather observation within various dimensions of the globe. Moreover, the most favourable spot-on weather observation which helps in predicting the possible events on our planet is on the troposphere. Hence, meteorology explains the weather events which can be observed, it is commonly referred to as “meteorological phenomena”. Moreover, meteorological phenomena include clouds, hurricanes, acid rain etc. which are explained and quantified with a number of variables such as:

  • Temperature
  • Water vapour
  • Air pressure
  • Mass flow
  • Atmosphere

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Grand Challenges in Atmospheric Science 

As a subject, atmospheric science is inclusive of all the processes that we can find in the atmosphere. Moreover, it has its links with the cryosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, and outer space. Hence, we can say that it is an extensive subject discipline that talks about all the challenges of atmosphere. So, let us read about the major challenges of atmospheric science. 

Data Assimilation 

Atmospheric science challenge in terms of data assimilation is related to the technical and thematic aspects. Moreover, it is connected with the ability to make good use of exciting opportunities in earth observation systems. Furthermore, these challenges are addressed in order to improve the reanalyses, improve weather forecasting, etc. Additionally, it talks about a better observational system and improved foundation. Now, there are five major challenges that fall among the technical challenges. These are: 

  • The assimilation of coupled data so that the links between the different elements in the earth system can be found. 
  • The second is the assimilation of ensemble data. This is to address the natural variability alongside the representation of errors in the system of the earth. 
  • Next is to perform data assimilation at increased spatial resolutions. 
  • The data assimilation for an improved representation of errors. 
  • Extension and consolidation of joint state estimation. 

Small Scale Processes in the Atmosphere

There are numerous challenges that we fundamentally understand at a small scale. However, many of these challenges has been a matter of debate for a long time. Moreover, with the increase of computational power, simulation of fluid mechanics problems is simulated in detail. 

Air Pollution Chemistry 

There are three major challenges that we are facing when it comes to air pollution chemistry. Firstly, we have to talk about indoor pollution and health where we can study how pollution inside a place be it school, home, or office can be hazardous for people. Moreover, in the discipline, we have two other matters dust and air quality and biomass burning. 

Now, given below is the list of other major challenges in atmospheric science. 

  • Weather prediction 
  • Aerosol cloud interactions 
  • Remote sensing for meteorology and climate 
  • Ozone depletion and recovery 
  • Urban weather and climate 
  • Solar influence on climate 
  • Extreme events 
  • Interactions of scale in climate simulation 
  • The atmospheric branch of the hydrological cycle

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Career Opportunities with a Qualification in Atmospheric Science 

When it comes to the career opportunities in atmospheric science, the range is wide. Moreover, you must have heard of broadcast meteorologists presenting you the weather. However, this is just a fraction of the career range associated with atmospheric science. Furthermore, there are various government and private positions for people with a degree in atmospheric science. In addition to this, you can also find a position in university such as professor, program manager, research scientist, etc. Also, there is a growth in the number of career options in the private sector with a degree in atmospheric science. Mentioned below are some career options that you can choose once you complete your degree in atmospheric science. 

  • Atmospheric scientists
  • Palaeontologists
  • Petroleum geologists
  • Petrologists
  • Geoanthropologists
  • Geochemists
  • Geochronologists
  • Geologists
  • Geomorphologists
  • Geophysicists
  • Planetary geologists
  • Sedimentologists
  • Seismologists
  • Economic geologists
  • Mineralogists
  • Oceanographers
  • Paleoecologists
  • Engineering geologists
  • Environmental geologists
  • Glacial geologists
  • Hydrogeologists
  • Hydrologists
  • Marine geologists
  • Meteorologists
  • Soil scientists
  • Stratigraphers
  • Structural geologists
  • Volcanologists

With the list, you can imagine the possibility of your career. Moreover, all these career options are not only relevant to your degree but also suits the needs of the changing world we are living in. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Question. 1 What are the differences between atmospheric science and meteorology?
Answer. 1 Atmospheric science is a term in general that describes the study of the atmosphere. On the other hand, meteorology is also the study of the atmosphere but in the short term.
Question. 2 What can I do with a master’s degree in atmospheric science?
Answer. 2 With a master’s degree in atmospheric science you can be at broadcast meteorology, a meteorologist at the national weather service, military weather officer, renewable energy siting and forecasting.