Table of Contents
The physiology and functioning of plants are described by plant physiology. It belongs to the branch of botany and mainly explains the primary mechanisms, including parthenogenesis, respiration, photosynthesis, hormones, nutrition, nastic motions, tropisms, and circadian rhythms. It also deals with topics including seed germination, environmental stress physiology, stomata function and dormancy. Besides, the subject is closely connected to the fields such as plant morphology, phytochemistry, plant ecology, biophysics, genetics, molecular biology and cell biology.
Plant Physiology provides information on how the plants survive. Therefore, studying the subject is necessary to get a deeper insight into the plants. You may learn all about the function of Plan Physiology by reading this blog post, which has been carefully curated by an expert at allassignmenthelp.
Role of Plant Physiology in Knowledge Development
The study of all internal plant activities is the main goal of plant physiology. The course analyzes the main chemical and physical processes. It also encompasses a range of time and size-scale activities. In other words, molecular interactions such as photosynthesis, and internal diffusion of minerals, water and nutrients are studied as part of the subject. Along with it, the large-scale activities such as seasonality, plant development, reproductive control and dormancy.

Now, we will tell you about the subjects that plays a key role to develop knowledge in the following areas. Also, it is advisable to you if you don’t feel good while dealing with this subject or juggle with its hard concepts then you are free to take science homework assignment help as well to complete your homework and assignments on time. You cannot do what you have to do without an in-depth knowledge of them, therefore seek assistance.
Phytochemistry or Plant Chemistry In Plant Physiology
It is one of the key knowledge areas in the domain. The plants require producing several chemical compounds for survival and functioning. Many of these compounds are unique as they are not found in other organisms. The photosynthesis process needs a generation of different enzymes, pigments and other compounds to be completed. The plants are unable to move. So, chemical compounds are generated for defence also. The compounds are generated by categories such as pathogens, and herbivores. In most of the cases, the toxins are produced. Additionally, the smelling and foul-tasting chemicals are also produced by the plants for self-defence. There are some chemicals which give protection against diseases. Survival at the time of drought is crucial for the plants. The chemical compounds are useful for this purpose as well.
Cellular Processes
The subject aims at developing knowledge in the domain of chemical and biological processes in the cells. The cells of a plant show several attributes. These attributes are different from those of the animal cells. Due to the unique attributes, the plant cells respond and behave differently than the animals.
For example, the walls of the plant cell are more rigid. So, these walls influence the shape of cells. The mobility and flexibility of the plants are also limited by the walls. Presence of the chlorophyll is another unique feature of these cells.
It is a chemical substance that interacts with light. The plants develop the ability to produce their own nutrients based on interactions. This is what makes them unique. In this sense, the plants are totally autonomous. It states that the subject is effective to create an understanding of the unique processes within the plant cells.
Online biology assignment help specialists are here to help if you’re having trouble writing assignments about the cellular functions of plants. They can guarantee that your assignments have been completed with authenticity and provide detailed clarifications. Whether you need assistance understanding plant cellular processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, or cell division, online experts are well-equipped to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out for professional support in completing your biology assignments effectively.
Cellular Interactions
The plant cells, organs and tissues interact uniquely. Different cells are designated to perform different duties. Those have special physical and chemical abilities for performing the tasks. For example, the rhizoids and the roots play a key role in holding the plant. These parts also play a crucial role in acquiring minerals from the soil. The leaf is another important part of the plant. The leaves create the necessary nutrients at the presence of light. The minerals collected by the roots and the rhizoids are transferred to the leaves. The nutrients which are manufactured in the leaves are then sent to the roots. Such transportation tasks are performed in several ways. For example, the vascular tissues are a major part of the process. It reflects that the subject gives importance to understanding the processes using which the plants live.
Environmental Interaction
Above all, the plants interact with the environment in several ways. The study of the physiological attributes of the plants also helps in developing the knowledge of how these plants interact with the environment. The plants respond to different types of environmental conditions differently. The subject gives importance to gaining knowledge on how the responses change with the environmental conditions. The subject gives importance to discussing how the plants get stressed due to water loss. The alternations in air chemistry are also reviewed as part of the subject. The way of functioning in a plant changes with the crowding. Such changes also occur due to the chemical, genetic and physical factors. The subject also discusses how the functioning of plants is influenced by different factors.
Role of Plant Physiology in Agriculture
The foundation of human civilization is agriculture, which makes the study of plant physiology essential. It includes both the science and art of growing plants, which produce surplus foods that are essential for a city lifestyle. Agronomy, plant breeding, and agrochemicals like pesticides and fertilizers are all integrated in modern agriculture. Technological developments have transformed agriculture, increasing crop types but also creating problems for the environment and the economy.
Aquifer depletion, global warming, deforestation, and the use of growth hormones and antibiotics are important trends. Furthermore, the market for genetically engineered organisms is expanding. Food goods are further divided into vegetables, grains, oils, and fruits. Agricultural products include fibres, foods, fuels, and raw materials.
Effective agricultural methods require an understanding of plant physiology, with an emphasis on crop physiology and growth drivers and development processes.
This area of the subject includes both basic and applied research to determine the functionalities of the crop plants. The basic researches in crop physiology give importance to developing knowledge in the area. The applied researches, on the contrary, give importance to solving practical problems. However, crop physiology studies the plants and plant communities as a whole. This is because of the processes which control the production. The area also gives importance to studying how the plants interact with the environment. You might find it hard to understand at times. Enrolling in online coursework can simplify your life because these courses offer real-world experience and connect you to the actual world. Furthermore, you are free to employ an online class expert to do your online classes, they may speed up your learning process.
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The key Areas Related to Crop Physiology
Did you ever study the biology of humans? Have you ever tried to figure out how your muscles function during a workout? Ever wondered how kids grow up? Human physiologists investigate how the human body functions. Crop physiologists study the growth and operation of plants similarly. Let’s learn about the key areas of crop physiology:
Plant Breeding
Crop alteration is a widely used practice in agriculture. Altering crops with the help of breeding practice brings changes in the genetic structure of a plant. It helps the farmers in the development of the crops which possess more beneficial attributes. As an effect, these crops become more suitable for society. The larger fruits or seeds are an example in this case as those products are more economical. Production of drought-tolerance crops is another useful application. Such crops can be produced in harsh environmental conditions. The recent developments in crop physiology and plant breeding enable farmers to produce pest-resistant crops. Such products have a lower risk of getting damaged. As an effect, the losses in agriculture were reduced.
Significant Advancements in Plant Breeding
The plant breeding domain has experienced several new advancements. These advancements are based on the studies done by Gregor Mendel, in the area of plant physiology. His works developed knowledge of recessive and dominant alleles. The findings were ignored for several years. Later, the same findings provided plant breeders with a better understanding of breeding techniques and genetics. The widely used crop breeding development includes the use of techniques which enable the farmers to choose a plant with persevered traits. The other developments in the domain include cross-pollination and self-pollination along with the use of molecular techniques for modifying the organism genetically.
Domestication of Plants
Domestication is another important practice in the domain of agriculture. It helps to enhance disease resistance. It also increases the tolerance to the drought. Additionally, domestication leads to making harvesting easier. The taste of the crops improves which is another benefit of domestication. Finally, domestication increases the nutritional value of the food. It is another benefit of the domestication.
The knowledge of crop physiology also helps the farmers to understand the effects of variation in farming techniques such as pest control using chemicals, use of fertilizers and controlling growth using chemicals. The variation in the crop is also observed due to the changes in climate and genetics.
Many students find this topic hard to grasp or understand. Hence, they can get online assignment help service to understand this topic in a much easier way.
Genetic Engineering of Plants
Studying the physiological features of plants is necessary to determine the effects of genetic engineering. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are organisms which possess modified genes. Genetic engineering techniques are used for altering the genetic materials It is also known as the recombinant DNA technology. These techniques are often used to develop new crops. The other benefits of genetically modified crops are higher nutritional value, increased level of durability, and a higher level of resistance to the virus and insects.
Development of Herbicide-resistant Seed
The development of Herbicide-resistant Seed is another instance of genetic engineering and its applications in the domain of physiological studies of plants. When the gene is modified in the seeds, the plants become able to tolerate a higher level of exposure to herbicides. Controlling weeds is one of the crucial activities in farming. By using the modified seeds, the farmers become able to produce a crop which can tolerate the herbicides. Therefore, controlling the weeds in the fields becomes easier.
Development of Insect-Resistant Crops
Genetic engineering techniques are used to develop insect-resistant crops. These crops are modified using the gene found in the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). These crops generate a toxin for the insects. In this way, the attacks of the insects are prevented.
Coping with Global Warming
Global warming is one of the key issues in the current agricultural systems. Both global warming and agricultural practices are interrelated to each other. Global warming impacts agriculture by bringing changes in average temperatures. The pattern of rainfall also changes with global warming. With the changing nature of the global climate, weather extremes are being observed more frequently. For example, incidents like heat waves and storms are being observed in a frequent manner. The change in weather also brings changes in the natural pests and diseases. The level of ground-level ozone concentrations along with the atmospheric carbon dioxide is changing with the climate. It indicates that the plants are being exposed to harsher weather in the modern days.
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The exposure to extreme weather is impacting the crops in different ways. The nutritional quality of the crops is being changed due to the adverse impacts of weather. Global warming is leading to the rise of sea levels. As an effect, crop production in the low-altitude countries is being affected. Global warming might cause food insecurity in some areas. Under these circumstances, understanding plant physiology is especially necessary to develop strategies for protecting the crops.
Role in Horticulture
Horticulture is another area which is closely related to plant physiology. It is defined as the study which includes the culture of plants. Horticulture primarily focuses on producing food and materials for beauty and comfort. The key areas of focus in the domain of horticulture are– the restoration of the landscape, conservation of plants, management of soil, designing the garden and the landscape, and development and maintenance of the garden.
Key areas of Horticulture
The primary activities in Horticulture can be classified in the following manner—
It deals with fruit culture. The activities in Pomology mainly include the production of pome fruits such as pear, apple and quince. It also includes the production of stone fruits such as cherry, peach, nectarine, plum and apricot. Production on small fruits such as raspberry, blueberry, grape and strawberry falls under the domain of Pomology. Finally, the production of nut tree fruits is also one of the notable activities in the field of Pomology.
Vegetable Production
It is the activity which deals with the culture of food crops. The crops are obtained from vegetable plants. Different parts of the vegetable plants are used as the product. Such parts include fruits, roots, and seeds.
It is a domain that deals with the growing of flowers. The domain also focuses on growing the bedding plants, potted plants, bulbs and floral design.
Environmental Horticulture
It is the domain which deals with nursery production of woody plants and herbaceous. The domain also emphasizes managing and designing the landscape.
Postharvest Physiology
This branch of horticulture is concerned with gathering, managing, and storing crops. Fruits, flowers, and vegetables are among the crops under domain management. If, on the other hand, you are unable to do assignments based on postharvest physiology for whatever reason and would prefer to pay someone to do your assignment, then there are many reliable services available online that can help you.
The key difference between agriculture and horticulture is the scale of production. Agriculture aims at the production of the crop on a large scale. On the contrary, horticulture emphasizes producing a crop on a smaller scale. However, in both domains, knowing the physiology of plants is equally important. In horticulture, the application of skills, knowledge and technology is needed to produce plants which meet the food-related and non-food requirements. The knowledge of the physiological attributes of the plants is required for cultivation and propagation purposes.
The application of knowledge aims at the improvement of the growth rate of the plants, increasing the yields, improving the quality and enhancing the nutritional value. In horticulture, the presence of the insects can damage the plants. Similarly, plants can also be damaged due to diseases. The knowledge of physiology plays a crucial role in preventing such attacks. It indicates that knowledge is also useful for developing strategies to cope with the damage. Our Assignment Expert will give you more detailed information on topics related to biology.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Which area hold the great scope of plant physiology? A: Plant physiology has a wide range of applications in agriculture. Moreover, plant physiology also have scope in agriculture fields, medicine, food production and textiles. |
Q: What different career prospects are associated with studying plant physiology? A: After completing your study in plant physiology, you can choose to be a i) Plant Physiologist ii) Research Professor iii) Horticulturalist iv) Plant Scientist Assistant Professor in colleges / universities v) Assistant Pathologist |