Health Science-Arthropod Study (Organism Study III)-QUESTIONS



1.What are your feelings about this Arthropod? Gross? Fascinating? Curious? Cute? Why do you feel this way about it?
2.Do you have any past experience with this Arthropod (it’s around a lot, you rarely see it, it’s your first experience with it, etc).?
3.If Alive, describe its behavior (in the jar). Do you think it knows it’s’ in a jar and not in its normal habitat? Explain. If your Arthropod is not alive, or if you choose not to get a live one, you will have to make your best guess.
4.Does this organism have FEELINGS? If so, what kind of feelings do you think it is capable and why? Can it feel; hunger, tiredness, cold or hot, pain, tired, etc. Is there any evidence of this in its behavior? Explain.

5.Do you think this organism has thoughts? Can it feel; fear, wonder, curiosity, love, happiness, loneliness, hope, etc.? Do you think it looks forward to lunch or dinner? Is there any evidence of this in its behavior? Explain.
6.Do you think it has a routine or daily schedule? Do you think it is aware of the time of day? Do you think it is aware of morning and night?
7.Do you think it has a routine or daily schedule? Do you think it is aware of the time of day? Do you think it is aware of morning and night?
8.Do you think this organism is AWARE OR YOU? Can it see you? If this organism can see you or is aware of you, what do you think it thinks of you (or what would it think of you, if it can see or be aware of you)?

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Answer ( 1 )

  1. The Arthropods (Spider) when confronted with a problem or a situation does have thoughts. In the jar too, while the
    spider was placed, the random movement signifies that it was trying to escape and was using the thoughts to somehow crawl out of the jar. The spiders weave a web and this is not ordinary. So I do feel that the spiders have thoughts. The two front legs
    predominantly move as it crawls.

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