English College Writing-Monitoring and addressing Depression in the Elderly (geriatric population) in the Midst of a Pandemic

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1. Is there a likelihood that the perception of vulnerability to the virus will lead to depression?
2.How depression is defined among the elderly?
3.What is pandemic?
4.How does one determine that an elderly person is depressed?
5.What are the signs and symptoms of depression?
6.What are the causes of depression in elderly?
7.How depression is likely to affect elderly?
8.What is the first-aid treatment of depression?
9.What are the ways to alleviate depression and anxiety in an assisted living community during a pandemic outbreak?

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  1. Irresistible pandemics and the spread of life forms across nations and landmasses have been encouraged by worldwide changes in earth’s atmosphere and an expansion in movement and universal trade. COVID-19, the contamination brought about by the novel coronavirus identified has affected almost all the countries in the world, alarm and expanding uneasiness in people exposed to the risk of the infection. Significantly, these worries emerge with all contaminations, including this season’s cold virus and different specialists, and a similar general insurances are required and shown for security and the anticipation of further transmission. In any case, media inclusion has featured COVID-19 as a novel risk, instead of one of many, which has added to frenzy, stress, and the potential for madness.

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