COP2360-St.Petersburg College-Module 1 Discussion – Programming Challenges-Java Programming

COP2360-St.Petersburg College150APA


1. Write a post that describes your most challenging aspect of programming for you.
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Answer ( 1 )

  1. I had a basic exposure to programming in the past and yes it is challenging. I have seen that programming is not binary, hence there are multiple solutions to a single problem. However, finding the best solution to a problem has been a great challenge to me so far. For example, If I am suppose to sort a few numbers, it is hard to weight what algorithm should be picked. I am looking forward to work towards improved intuitiveness for finding better solutions. Secondly, it gets easier to learn with a lots of hands on practice, otherwise there are always syntax errors that we have to deal with. I am looking forward to work on implementing problems to get a better understanding.

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