Best Techniques For Better Academic Writing


Success in academics cannot be achieved in the absence of remarkable writing skills. For this reason, students are always thriving to improvise their academic writing ability. While students do not think twice before conversing with their friends, they become too conscious about their grammar, punctuation, style, and tone when they sit down to attempt any academic write-ups.

Well, the good news is that no one is born with perfect academic writing skills. While some people are naturally gifted with this ability. Others need to work hard to polish their skills. But the truth remains that everyone can develop and modify their institutional writing potential with dedication and persuasion. brought this blog to help you know some effective methods like the Golden techniques for better academic writing. These tips and tricks will act like your treasure for every piecewriting task that you attempt in the future.

Let’s Know About Techniques for Better Academic Writing

Best Writing Tips and Techniques

Academic writing is not a casual piece of paper writing, it is different from other forms of paper writing tasks. Students are required to show their creativity in crafting an impressive draft.

Here are some effective tips and techniques that you can utilize for your academic writeups and pass with flying colors:

Know the Rules and Techniques for Better Academic Writing

No matter how good or bad your writing skills are, you cannot create an impressive piece of academic writing without abiding by its rules. Your professor would assess you based on the rules of academic writing.

Here is one of the most important techniques for better academic writing:

  • It is always and always formal.
  • Learn this rule by heart that academic writing is always formal as it does not bear any informal style of writing.
  • It follows an impersonal style of writing that is free from any conversational dialogues.
  • No slang, emojis, or jargon can be used.
  • This acts as the founding brick of your academic writing.

Impeccable Research

  • The amount and depth of research required for an academic write-up are huge. 
  • You will have to skim through hundreds of research papers by scholars and academicians.
  • From those, you will have to shortlist the ones that are most relevant to your topic.
  • This will be followed by an active reading of the material. 
  • Make full use of the internet and search for meaningful articles there too.
  • It is often a rule of thumb to devote 70% of your time to research and the remaining 30% to writing and editing it. 
  • This is so because, once you are clear in your head as to what will be the gist of your writing, it is only a matter of time before to pen it down appropriately. 

If you are one of those students who often struggle to conduct in-depth research for your academic writing then in such a situation taking help from any reliable assignment help website would be a wise decision.

Read Here: Emotive Language: Keep at Arm’s Length

Design a Good Structure

  • Once you have gotten an idea about the basic premise of your academic write-up, the next best thing to do will probably be to design a structure. 
  • Start by writing down your thoughts roughly on paper. 
  • Once you have jotted down the thoughts, start the process of elimination and retention.
  • Decide what are the headings on which you will elaborate and which are the ones you would just mention in brief. 
  • Moreover, develop a brief format of headings, subheadings, and the points you will include in each section.

Keep In Mind Your Reader’s Needs

  • What this tip implies is that it is very crucial to know the needs of the reader of the academic project. 
  • Meaning to say, academic writing is mostly done for professors and instructors to evaluate you.
  • The teachers already know whatever they have asked you to work on.
  • All they want to check is your ability to grasp and analyze information. 
  • So, do not waste time explaining the definitions or explanations of simple terms that the teacher is already aware of. 
  • Cut straight to your points and thoughts.

Do Not Forget to Write a Good Abstract

  • An abstract is a very imperative part of all formal writing. 
  • It is a short excerpt or paragraph that explains all that the piece of writing will talk about. 
  • Academic writing enlists in a few sentences the main points of your write-up and explains to the reader what will be the prime concern of the reading.
  • It acts as a summary that you provide at the start of the writing to prepare the reader for the coming course of information.
  • Lastly, it is like a map route that will dictate the reader’s journey through your academic piece.

The Hypothesis-Evidence Style

  • This is the most common yet most effective style of academic writing.
  • Students take up a hypothesis and create their entire academic write-up around it. 
  • They provide supporting pieces of evidence and arguments to prove the validity of the hypothesis. 
  • This is not only a very systematic style of writing but it also helps the student to give meaning to his or her piece of research. 

Follow the Correct Writing Style

  • Academic writing styles are broadly divided into four main types.
  • Namely, they are, analytical, critical, persuasive, and, descriptive.
  • You must decide beforehand what will be the type of academic paper.
  • This is important so that you search and follow the specific guidelines for each writing style. However, you can also hire an assignment helper USA for extra assistance at this stage.
  • A point to note here is that you may have to use a combination of more than one writing style as per the demand of the topic for your paper.

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Provide Evidence in Your Work

  • As mentioned earlier, academic papers are all about formal and rigid information.
  • The readers of academic writing are learned people who know a good lot about the topic. 
  • It is thus essential that you provide a lot of evidence in your work to win their trust that your work is dedicated and accurate. 
  • List down all the sources and resources that you referred to.
  • Moreover, provide the necessary illustrations, images, links, etc.
  • It is best to have a complete bibliography so that the readers can go to the respective sources and join the dots.

Keep Your Write-Up Informational

  • Any academic work is done to inform, analyze, and draw conclusions.
  • While analysis and conclusion derivation is done solely by you, reception of information is done by the receiver.
  • Always write your academic piece to inform the readers.
  • Make sure that the information is being curated in a systematic, comprehensive, and simple manner.
  • Each line and every paragraph should make sense to both, you, and the reader.


  • This is by far the most crucial tip that you should note down for yourself!
  • The language of your academic writing is what will make or break it.
  • Formal language, and only formal language, is followed in this style of writing.
  • Any casual slang, abbreviations, metaphors, or analogies must be strictly kept at bay.  
  • Additionally, any flowery language or expressions are a big No too!
  • Excessive use of jargon should also be avoided to make the paper more accessible to all.

Say No to Short Forms

  • “Cannot” cannot be written as “can’t”.
  • “Them” cannot be written as “em”.
  • “That is” cannot be written as “i.e.”

Using abbreviations or short forms for verbs, determiners, and prepositions is a strict no. Write complete words and sentences with proper punctuation and grammar. Furthermore, do not use unnecessary words as it will make your work lengthy and boring. Use every word carefully and withhold its meaning to the context. Clear, concise, and educational information should be used. However, taking help from an online assignment writing service will be beneficial for you. The expert writers available on such websites will write your assignment in a clear and concise manner.

Be a Little Stylish

  • Well, do not take the literary meaning of what we just said!
  • By being stylish for your academic writing all we mean is that adhere to know some techniques for better academic writing styles for your work. 
  • So, often you have to submit your academic paper to those in authority, and they either accept it or reject it. 
  • If they reject it, you have to work on it again.
  • For your paper to be readily accepted.
  • You must follow the correct style of writing. 
  • The fonts, formats, and overall display of the paper are some of the crucial factors that influence this decision of acceptance or rejection. 
  • To avoid any risk you can also refer to some predesigned style manuals available in the market and stick by their styles. 
  • However, make sure that you select the manual carefully and as per your type of writing.

Refer to a Lot of Samples

  • Referring to a lot of previous samples from your seniors, colleagues, fellow school classmates, or those available on the internet is a must. Skim through the samples and absorb all that you can.
  • This is genuinely a very effective way of getting an idea about the pattern of writing.

Organization of Data

  • All the data that you use in your work, especially tables, percentages, diagrams, etc, should be given serial numbers.
  • The numbers should then be listed in a sequenced order and context in your index. 
  • Forming an index or table of contents helps the readers to easily sail through your work and get back to any point simply by visiting the index as many times as needed.

Originality of Work

  • Just like all other content written in various niches, academic writing also calls for original and plagiarism-free work. 
  • Ensure that you write down all information with your original understanding and do not follow the cut-copy-paste regime at any cost. 
  • However, academic work often demands us to quote the authors or put extracts from their excerpts in our work.
  • When you do this, give detailed references for the same to prove your originality and context.

Editing is Your Saviour

  • Edit your draft a hundred times if needed!
  • Make the necessary changes in grammar, punctuation, tonality, and spelling.
  • You can also use many online tools that help you check the overall grammar of your work. 
  • Proofread once you have created a final draft.
  • Do a surface check and see that it is making good sense and is readable.
  • Many websites offer editing and proofreading services to help your final draft and uplift its language and readability.

Ask For Feedback

  • Give your academic paper to trusted people like teachers, coordinators, classmates, or any authors you know. 
  • Ask them to give you honest feedback about the work.
  • If they give any feedback, work on it sincerely. 
  • This is a very good step since it helps you to modify the work from the perspective of a reader.
  • This step often ensures that the outcome is impressive.

Some Bonus Tips and Techniques for Better Academic Writing

While the above tips were concerned with the core of academic writing, here we give you some bonus tips that will help you all the more!

Always Use an Active Voice

It is always advised to use an active voice in formal writing. This is because it enhances the readability score. Furthermore, you can also pay someone to do the assignment if you lack in writing your assignment in an active voice.

Manage Your Writing Efficiently

Academic writing is not a one or two-day job. It will be expanded over a few weeks or even months if the project is vast. Manage your daily tasks efficiently and allocate fixed writing hours. Set aside time for research, the cumulation of data, sorting out facts and figures, and crafting the final drafts. Make it routine activity to write a lot of formal pieces as it will give you a good hack at it.

Read Rigorously

A well-read person is as good as a book itself! As much as you will read regularly, the more will your mind becomes sharp, intellectual, and aware. Just read, read, and read. Reading will help you to gradually acquire different styles of writing, and how can you make your writing more appealing, and give a polished touch to it.

Also Read: Language Techniques: Improve Your Writing Skills

Final Words

So, we have laid down the most vital golden tips for better academic writing for you. You can indeed use these tips as a treasure of wisdom the next time you sit down to write an academic research paper. 

And remember one thing always, while academic writing may seem very scary and difficult at first, it can always be learned and improved with consistent dedication and practice! 

So, now go ahead and start practicing these techniques for better academic writing, and thank us later for the tips!

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques: Why do we need to learn writing techniques?
We can not treat every academic task of writing in the same manner. In academics, we need to work with assignments, thesis, research papers, etc. All these writing tasks require a completely different methodology of writing that’s why we need to learn all the writing styles to complete all the tasks with perfection.
Ques: Can we write a thesis and research paper in the same manner?
Ans: No, we can not treat both tasks, in the same manner, this is because each comes with its own set of guidelines and writing methods.