A Brief Guide to Language Techniques


A good writer always knows how to add colour and interest to the blandest of topics. But how are they doing it? What is the secret? With the help of this blog of All Assignment Help, you would learn about the core techniques that will help you in making any of your writings persuasive, engaging, and memorable. Here, we will be talking about language techniques. However, always ponder upon the fact that these techniques are used differently when used in spoken and written language. Therefore, when you are writing your next paper, do not forget to refer back to these techniques. Furthermore, use these powerful language techniques to make any of your bland writing impressive and engaging. 

What are Language Techniques? 

In simple terms, language techniques are a certain crucial element with which a writer can bring focus on the theme of his or her writing. Moreover, while writing an essay or story, these language techniques play a significant role. Furthermore, there are numerous language techniques that have their relation to the tone of writing, choice of words, the structure of the sentences, etc. When you use these language techniques in your writing you provide the reader with a better understanding opportunity. In addition to this, these techniques put a strong impact on our senses to strengthen the subject matter of the text. Assonance, metonymy, metaphor, simile, etc. are some examples of language techniques. 

Identification of Language Techniques 

Different language techniques serve different purposes. Moreover, they are used to appeal to different audiences as well. Also, it is very important for a writer to read as much as possible to compose a top-notch work. Hence, while reading content composed by using these techniques, you can learn about their right use. So, let us read about the ways in which you can identify these language techniques in any given writing. 

  • Check if the words used in the writing are simple, difficult, formal or informal. 
  • What is the length of sentences used by the writer? Are they short or long? 
  • Similarly, how are paragraphs, short or long? Also, is everything of the same length or do some have a dramatic effect, etc. 
  • How is the writer addressing the readers in writing? What personal pronoun he or she has used? 
  • What persuasive technique has the writer used? It is rhetorical questions or alliteration. 
  • Does the text have a lot of facts and opinions in it? 

In addition to this, you can always point out the discourse markers that the writer has used. Is it casual, chatty, or formal? And the list goes on. However, you can always reach out to the experts of assignment help online if you face a problem while understanding these language techniques. Moreover, they will help you with the best kind of writing that will help you grow academically. Now, let us read more about language techniques. 

22 Language Techniques and Their Usage 

There are a number of genres in which writers compose their work and use a variety of language techniques. Moreover, every technique has its own purpose in the writing. Therefore, if you want to improve your writing understand the below-mentioned information on language technique and their usage. 


This is a language technique that you can use in your writing if you want to express a large and complex idea in a way that looks approachable. Moreover, with the help of allegory in writing, a writer can easily bring some distance between the issues discussed in the writing and themselves. Furthermore, in most cases, these cases are some social and political critiques. 


The allusion is one of the most popular language techniques. It is used for the development of storylines, frames, characters, etc. Moreover, it is a great way of developing associations with some renowned works. Furthermore, the reference can be anything from Victorian fairy tales to the Bard. 


Imagine you are reading a story of an early man using modern technologies or watching a movie where the grim reaper is using a mobile phone. All of these seem quite impossible in the real world. Hence, these are examples of anachronisms where you can simply see an error in the chronology. Moreover, these are the type of writing that would make the reader think hard or raise eyebrows. Furthermore, sometimes anachronisms are true blunders whilst other times they can add good humour to the writing. 


Cliffhanger is a familiar feeling. To understand this better, let us take an example. Suppose you are watching an episode of 30 minutes and the protagonist is about to see the face of the antagonist and then there is a cut. This is known as a cliffhanger. Hence, we can say that it is an expression used by the writer to keep the readers engaged and hooked to his writing. Moreover, if you want to write something engaging and entertaining but couldn’t find the right words and expressions then seeking help from a subject expert for an assignment is always a wise choice. 

Dramatic Irony

You must have read many novels with a dramatic irony such as Romeo and Juliet. Therefore, to give a great effect to writing, film, television, or literature, dramatic irony is used. 


We all know that the job of a writer is to make readers hooked to his or her writing through the words he or she uses. Furthermore, vignettes are the poetic slices of life that give a deeper meaning to the writing or any story. Moreover, when the writer wants to put some light on something that readers are not likely to notice in the main plot, they use vignettes. 

Extended Metaphor 

An extended metaphor is a language technique that helps the writer in building an evocative image into the writing. Moreover, it helps them to make the writing more emotionally resonant. Furthermore, if you are curious about the examples of extended metaphor then it can be found in all forms of poetry. Learning the use of extended metaphors will help you improve your writing stronger. 

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Verisimilitude is a language technique and a theoretical concept. Moreover, it determines the appearance of truth in a hypothesis or assertion. In addition to this, in fiction writing, it is a significant element. With the help of this language technique we, as a reader, can encourage the reader to disapprove of disbelief. Therefore, we can say that the use of verisimilitude is to provide credibility to the writing.


We all are aware of the core ambition of storytelling or any writing. It is to capture the attention of the reader and sustain it for as long as possible. Therefore, foreshadowing or giving a few hints of future events in writing is one of the best ways to capture the attention of the reader and build suspense. 


In the world of writing, any word, concept, or object is not limited to a single meaning. For example, if you see a flower, you might think about the stem, petals, fragrance, and much more. However, there are chances that you can also think about love, romance, etc. But what made you think this way? So, the reason is very clear. It is due to the symbolic meaning of the flower that has developed over the course of many generations. Hence, this is what symbolism is. 


Humour has great powers in it. It can bring the world together and also change the way we see the world. Moreover, it is not necessary that every writer is good at being funny in his or her writing. Furthermore, it takes a lot of skills and finesses to make people laugh. This is something that depends on instincts. Hence, it cannot be taught. However, you can attain a lot of benefits as a writer if you learn about the ways humour works in your writings. Also, you can take the assistance of the best assignment help if you still want to ace the genre.


Irrespective of the kind of writing you are doing; suspense is a valuable tool that helps you in keeping readers engaged and interested in your writing. Moreover, it is not always easy to build suspense in writing. You need to withhold the information and raise some crucial questions that will trigger curiosity among the readers. Furthermore, character development plays an important role in generating suspense. For example, your writing would look incomplete to the readers if the desire of any of your characters remains unfulfilled. 


If you have knowledge of creative writing, you must know what painting a picture with words means. In literature, this is a language technique which is known as imagery. Moreover, it helps the writer in evoking a sensory experience in the reader with the use of figurative language. Additionally, even if you use descriptive language, you can play with the senses of readers and make them see, taste, smell, and hear all the external feelings and deep emotions through words. You can put life into your writing with the help of imagery. 

Irony and Situational Irony

The irony is a language technique and a very powerful tool which helps in adding depth and substance to your writing. On the other hand, we are surrounded by situational irony. Whether it is a humorous headline in the news or the shocking twists on a TV show, we have situational irony in all forms. Moreover, this type of irony is generally about the difference that lies between reality and expectations. Furthermore, the impact of these ironies is often powerful and memorable. 

Analogy, Metaphor and Simile 

When a writer needs to make comparisons between things, he or she often uses these language techniques. However, the ways of using these techniques are always different from each other. Also, it can be a bit tricky if we try to differentiate between these three. Furthermore, the simile is a subcategory of metaphors so we can say that all similes are metaphors but not vice-versa. Additionally, if you know the differences between these three language techniques clearly, you can decide what is the best scenario to use them. Also, it makes your writing very strong. 


We all very well know what satire is. It is one of the most prevalent things in pop culture. Moreover, we can say that satire is a humorous way in which we can poke fun at powers with the goal to make some social changes. It was and is always relevant and it can be used in any work culture. So, can we now say that language techniques are one of those facts about your homework you never knew? Hence, now when you are writing your homework, you can use the relevant technique to make your work top-notch and credible. 


“A motif is a repeated element that has symbolic significance to a story”. Moreover, it can be a repeated image in some cases whilst others, it can be some repeated phrase, topics, or words. In addition to this motif can also be a situation, action, sound, colour, temperature, or smell. Furthermore, with the help of this repetitive nature, the motif can illuminate the themes, ideas, and meaning of the story. 

Motif Vs. Symbol

The use of both symbols and motifs is across artistic mediums. Moreover, they are generally used by playwriters, painters, sculptors, etc. Also, these two language techniques are not synonyms. 


Personification is a very well-known concept and a language technique. In this technique, we assign human attributes to non-ling things in order to present an idea in a more creative and imaginative manner. It is figurative language. 


When you write a contradiction that questions logic, it is called a paradox. In the world of writing, the paradox can be humour or illustrated themes that force the readers to think in a critical way. 


It is a figure of speech, also a creative way of language that can be used by the writers to play with the meaning of the words and use them in a non-literal sense. To understand this, let us take an idiom, act naturally. Now, think of it, how is it possible for you to act while being in your natural self. Hence, we can say that with the oxymoron language technique you can easily play with the meaning and the language. 

In conclusion, we have discussed in detail the language techniques a student must know. These language techniques will help you to understand the functions and usage of certain words and phrases. Moreover, it will help you improve your writing ability. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Question. 1 What are persuasive techniques?
Answer. 1. Persuasive techniques are presenting reasons and examples to influence action or thought. Moreover, effective persuasive writing requires a writer to state clearly an opinion and to supply reasons and specific examples that support the opinion.
Question. 2. What are literary devices?
Answer. 2. Commonly, the term literary devices refer to the typical structures used by writers in their works to convey their message(s) in a simple manner to their readers. Furthermore, when employed properly, the different literary devices help readers to appreciate, interpret and analyse a literary work.