- 33 lessons
- 10 quizzes
- 10 week duration
1. Introduction
A brief overview of the entire course is given in this section.
2. Political Analysis
Learn how to do political analysis for a company.
3. Economic Analysis
Learn how to do economic analysis for a company.
4. Social Analysis
Learn how to do social analysis for a company.
5. Technological Analysis
Learn how to do technological analysis for a company.
6. Environmental Analysis
Learn how to do environmental analysis for a company.
7. Legal Analysis
Learn how to do legal analysis for a company.
8. Competitor and Partner Analysis
Learn how to do competitor and partner analysis for a company.
9. Combining everything together!
Learn how to combine everything you learned in the previous sections together for a holistic analysis.
10. Final Exam
Test what you learned in the entire course.
7.4 Legal analysis resources
Many of the countries have their official website where you can find all the laws and regulations. You should refer to those websites for accurate information. Some of the countries’ official law websites are:
USA: https://www.usa.gov/laws-and-regulations and https://www.loc.gov/
UK: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/
Australia: https://www.legislation.gov.au/
India: http://doj.gov.in/
There are several good blogs where you can get authentic information about laws and regulations of a country. For example, for China, you can visit https://www.chinalawblog.com/. This blog is run by a law firm and can provide you with enough information on laws related to China.
Similar to the above, there are several other online resources that you can visit to gather relevant information.