- 33 lessons
- 10 quizzes
- 10 week duration
1. Introduction
A brief overview of the entire course is given in this section.
2. Political Analysis
Learn how to do political analysis for a company.
3. Economic Analysis
Learn how to do economic analysis for a company.
4. Social Analysis
Learn how to do social analysis for a company.
5. Technological Analysis
Learn how to do technological analysis for a company.
6. Environmental Analysis
Learn how to do environmental analysis for a company.
7. Legal Analysis
Learn how to do legal analysis for a company.
8. Competitor and Partner Analysis
Learn how to do competitor and partner analysis for a company.
9. Combining everything together!
Learn how to combine everything you learned in the previous sections together for a holistic analysis.
10. Final Exam
Test what you learned in the entire course.
6.3 Environmental analysis examples
Let us continue with Robert and this time he wants to do the environmental analysis of India.
Indian government has laws which are expected by a business to follow. I have listed below the key laws:
The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
Acts relating to Water Pollution
Acts relating to Air Pollution
Acts relating to Forest Conservation
Acts relating to Wildlife Protection
Acts relating to Biological Diversity
Acts relating to Public Liability Insurance
Rules relating to Noise pollution
Rules relating to Management of Hazardous Substances
Robert has to go through all these laws so that he does not end up violating anyone while operating in that country.
Along with the above laws, Robert has to gather information from his Indian sources on transport, water, land, and electricity facilities.